Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our Crazy Life

It seems like so much has been going on around here lately! I'm sure we probably don't have any more going on in our lives than any other family, but this last month or so has been crazy! Here's a quick recap:

We welcomed our fourth child and first baby girl in early August...

Just a few days later, on my first morning at home by myself with all four kids, Max fell and cut the back of his head open. So Max got to experience stitches for the first time. Super fun...I'll spare you the picture of that one.

Then Wyatt had his first day of Kindergarten...

and today was Carson's first day of Pre-School. He looks excited, doesn't he?
When I picked him up, he wanted to know why I left him there for soooo long! He was only there for two hours today instead of three because the schools had a delay for fog, so I hope he doesn't get too mad on Thursday! 

In between all that, Roger and I had our 7th anniversary, we started this year's harvest, and both Wyatt and Carson learned to ride their bikes. Wyatt has had his bike for a year and a half now, and has been pretty lazy about learning how to ride by himself. Roger has been giving the boys tractor-driving lessons and the other day Roger finally told him that he couldn't drive any tractors until he tried a little harder to ride his bike. The very next day, Wyatt was practically a professional. I guess that was a good incentive! A few days after that, we got Carson a bike. He rode it for about 2 days with the training wheels, then told Roger to take them off. Rog warned him that once they were off, we don't put them back on, but Carson didn't care. Roger had to hold the bike for Carson to get on, but then he just took off! I've never seen a kid pick up on it so easily, but Carson is a natural. Now Roger has a little trailer for his bike that Max rides in and all four of them go for a ride down the road every night when Roger gets home from work! 

I have gotten just a tiny bit of sewing done...

Jill doesn't really appreciate being put down just yet, so with 5 minutes here and there I have gotten about one-third of my Giant Starflower quilted. I don't think I've ever even shown you that one yet. I still have to get pictures of Jill's quilt, too. Man, I'm so behind! 

Oh, and did I mention we are moving to a different house soon? Yikes! It's going to be a busy fall, y'all!!


  1. Whew, I'm worn out! You definitely have a lot going on, especially with the move. Luke has been the same way with his bike--maybe we need to get him a tractor for some incentive!

  2. Girl...all of that and a newborn who still loves to be held??? I am taking a few deep breaths for you. :)
    Emma still can't ride without training wheels. She worries too much about falling (and so she falls a lot) so we won't take up her up to the road where it's flat and even so she has to ride in our grassy but fairly hard-packed driveway.
    Oren is okay at it, but he sounds like Wyatt, he's just not real worried about it either way.
    I LOVE Carson's pre-k picture, that will be one to keep for that wedding slideshow one day. :) And Little Miss Jill is absolutely precious!!

  3. Not much more going on??? Your brain has gone to mush, you have your hands full and a half; as for moving, after all the Amish modifications? You are amazing ;)

  4. wow toni, i mean what do you do with all your free time, really! haha moving too?! geez, you're a supermom for real :)

  5. wow that is one busy household you have there, I feel exhausted just reading about all your happenings :)

    I do wish I could get Jamie to go his bike but he loves his scooter so much he's just not interested. He had a small rise in interest when the olympics were on but it didn't last long.

  6. You're allowed to be behind!! And moving to boot. Wow. Looking forward to the quilt!

  7. Wow that's a lot! Congratulations on your new one!!

  8. Such cute kids! The bike riding story brought back fond memories for me. :) I was a lot like Carson too. I was also second-oldest and always racing to do everything my older sister could!

  9. Goodness! I am amazed you even know your own name right now! I don't even think I remembered I had a sewing machine until my twins were nearly 3 yrs. old! Sometimes life is so wonderfully chaotic, isn't it?!

  10. Busy but what good times for you & your family!

  11. Moving with a small baby. Of course you are! ;o) Good luck with it all, and hope Carson gets over the whole 3 hour thing (he's going to have a heck of a shock come kindergarten isn't he? :oD )

  12. It's certainly busier at your place than mine! But I'm at the other end of the scale - a retired, empty nester whose husband is still working! My time is pretty much my own.

    I wish you all the best as you prepare to move!

  13. Sounds like the best kind of madness, I hope you are enjoying!

  14. Wonderful! You make me miss those crazy days. Enjoy them.

  15. Yep - it all sounds very crazy! But great. Love your pictures and I did chuckle about you leaving Carson at school for so long! Little does he know.....!

  16. Oh my goodness, congratulations on your newest addition, she's beautiful! I'm impressed you found time to sew and blog. What a wonderful story about your husband teaching your son to ride a bike.

  17. I love that he takes them all out on the bikes! How fun! If I could ride one I'd totally get a trailer ;)
    You are crazy busy and Jill just looks adorable - it's lovely seeing pics of your family and I love all the kids names too!
    At least you'll have some little 'helpers' for the move!! xx

  18. Oh goodness you guys are busy! Good luck with the move and all you have going on! I sure hope little man has healed up from those stitches, that experience sounds HORRIBLE!

  19. Sounds very much like my house. Except with only 2 kids and my husband being away. Ok it's nothing like it but it's been crazy here too!
