Friday, August 19, 2011

Feeling Fall

I am really not a fan of wishing time away, but for some reason this morning I am really needing a little Autumn in my life. I have really enjoyed this summer and I'm not ready for it to be over, but I just love Fall so, so much! October could be 90 days long and I don't think I would get tired of it. 

One of my goals when Rog and I retire is to get in our RV and drive up to Canada, then follow Fall down through New England, into Maryland and Virginia, through the Carolinas and into Georgia. So looking forward to that!

So, with my coffee in hand, I went to my beloved Pinterest and just looked at my ever-growing collection of images that reminds me of everything I love about Fall. Here are just a couple:

 Don't you want to trick-or-treat at that house? I bet they give out the good stuff. No raisins there.

 I think I'm going to have to applique some pillows...

 So beautiful.

 I love word art. Think I may have to make one of my own.
I think I would wear this every day. Maybe not the shoes.

So there you go. A little smidgeon of all the fun things about Fall with your morning cup. Adios.

A note about my sources...Sometimes on Pinterest there are no credits given for pictures, or it leads to a Tumblr account that doesn't have the picture you're looking for so as to properly give credit. I have done my best to find the original sources, but if you know where a picture came from that I haven't sourced properly, please let me know so I can give the appropriate credit.


  1. Sigh. I love to look at clothes like that and imagine having a life in which I could wear them and not wreck them within five minutes.

    Alas, that life (and those clothes) are not mine.

  2. I am so ready for fall too! The mums in the first picture make me so anxious. Oh, and the jeans and sweater too ;-)

  3. I really love fall too, but not quiiiite ready for summer to be over! Here in the PacNW, we've barely gotten any!

  4. You should come to Ireland in the fall. Especially Co. Kerry. It is beautiful with all it's orange, brown , yellow colours splashed all over the countryside.

  5. Gorgeous! Was lucky enough to be in New England last fall. You do it with such style..... we have nothing of the decorating side over in the UK. Yes - the odd pumpkin, but that's a half hearted effort.

  6. Fall....I remember what that is. I had the glorious pleasure to grow up in the North Eastern US. I remember the crisp cool air and warm sun, crunching through downed leaves, the smell of wood smoke and damp earth. I remember wearing sweaters and being warm and toasty on the inside while my nose was being nipped by the cool air. Sigh. Such lovely memories. Thanks for stirring the soup.

  7. Great to see you have joined the Across the Sea QAL...A partner in crime!

  8. Since I've lived in Virginia for one year I love fall, too - but only when the sun is shining ;-)
    This year we've NOT had a summer at all here in germany so I am begging fall to show up real late and give summer a chance (last 3 days have been good).
