Monday, November 7, 2011

Dead Simple Quilt

When Lynne of Lily's Quilts announced her Dead Simple Quilt Along, I thought it sounded like  interesting. The idea behind the QAL was to take the pressure away from choosing/piecing a complicated design for your quilt and instead pick a color palette first and go with a very simple design.

After many, many indecisive visits to Design Seeds, I opted for Neighborly Hues...

I chose Kona Cottons in the following colors to go with my chosen palette: Tangerine, Ash, Azure, Ochre, and Coal.  After that decision was made, I kind of went my own way with the rest of the QAL. I had seen a quilt by Esch House Quilts that I loved and decided that I would like one similar as a wall hanging for our house. The quilt uses the "Mosaic" block from the Summer Sampler QAL, which is made of 16 HSTs. I didn't actually use the QAL tutorial, but instead just did the math on my own once I decided how large I wanted the wall hanging to be.

For the quilting, I went with double lines 1/4" apart outlining the large and small diamond shapes in each quadrant, the one in the middle, and the half-diamonds on the middle of each side. 

Somehow, this is the only picture I took of the back. As you can see, nothing special here. I decided that since it was going to be hanging on the wall I would just go with a simple back, though it does show the quilting pretty well. Backing and binding are both Kona Coal. 

I went back and forth for quite a while on every aspect of this quilt...palette, design, quilting...but in the end I really love it and can't wait to see it hanging in our house. Now to just decide where to put it!

Happy to be linking up with {Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations and Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story. Thanks Ladies!


  1. Love it! A very striking and bold quilt. Perfect for a wallhanging! I love the straight line quilting too.

  2. Ooo that is lovely. Great palette... and the quilt design really makes the most of the solids. Love it all.

  3. I love this, Toni! Great color palette.

  4. The solids make your quilt really bold. Well done!

  5. I love it! Maybe I'll whip up mine today. I'm doing a small quilt too, so it shouldn't take too long to sew up.

  6. Beautiful! I love how the quilting makes a totally different pattern on the back!

  7. i saw that one and started making one too! it's on the back burner as of now, lol. love your colors!

  8. That is so clever Toni - I love it! I may have to just shamelessly copy you. Another to add to the list!

  9. VERY nice! I like its simplicity and I think it's a great example of what the qa was intended to be. Good for you!! Love your palette too.

  10. Love how this turned out! Great job!

  11. Love it! The front is so striking. And hey, I'm one to choose a plain back more often than not. Looks great :)

  12. In love with your quilt! I like the color palette with the gray! Great job.

  13. I love the way the "negative space" of the grays makes the on-point squares and pinwheels!

  14. I liked that Esch House quilt when I saw it, too. Your version turned out lovely! :)

  15. It's absolute perfection! I love it! And sorry about the ER. I have made many a trip myself. It's not my favorite place to hang out either.

  16. Very cool. The maths geek in me has just spent some time marvelling at the different patterns and shapes I can see in this. I must get out more ;o)

  17. Lovely job! Congratulations on the finish. :)

  18. Fabulous wall hanging, I love the palette you picked!

  19. Simply drop dead gorgeous! Hehe!

  20. Very bold and I love the colors!

  21. I love it! But it's what you think of it that counts so I really glad you love it too!

  22. Great colour palette and I love your design :)

  23. Great interpretation of that palette, Toni. That design really makes those colours pop.

  24. This is gorgeous! Love the color scheme you chose and the use of all solids. So beautiful - I need to try one. :)

  25. This is simply lovely! Great finish!

  26. Beautiful Toni - I would love to make a larger version of this in solids for one of my boys!!

  27. Love your color palette! Thanks for linking up, wonderful design!!

  28. LOVE this! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  29. Love the bold colors and simple design. So great!

  30. Hi Toni! I really love this quilt. I was thinking that I would like to do this design for the next Quilting for Kids quilt, in black, white, red and grey. It's between this pattern and one other one using HST's. The quilt is for a boy, and when I saw your quilt here, I just loved it and thought it would be perfect.
    So I was wondering if you would share your math with me? Just let me know. I probably won't start it until after the first of the year. THank you! Sarah

  31. Great quilt! And I love the inspiration behind it. I too am usually just inspired by colors: how they play off each other and what feeling they evoke. The design idea comes after.

  32. I love the way you've added such movement with the way you set those hst's! Lovely!

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