
Saturday, April 28, 2012

And Another One

We recently had a member step down from our circle of do.Good Stitches, so I volunteered to make another of our April blocks using Lee's Hexing Around the Block tutorial. Honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention to the color assignment when I volunteered or I probably would have passed. 

I read "light blue" and thought of all the aqua scraps I had lying around and thought it would be easy to come up with enough. Then I re-read our original instructions and realized someone else was already making two aqua blocks and another was making medium/dark blue ones so I was stuck with true light blue. Not a shade I have much of, but I think I squeaked by.  The color is a little off here, but for the most part I kept it more light blue than aqua. Thank goodness for those Rainbow Charm Swaps!

I'm still waiting for my fun fabrics to arrive so I can start a few new projects, so in the meantime I decided to cut some squares for another little quilt. 

No real plans for this one yet, just simple patchwork and if I'm feeling spunky I may attempt some orange-peel quilting.

And this is the latest version of child-proofing in our house...
I kept complaining to my husband about all the things Max gets into by pushing around our dining room chairs, so he took action, tying them together with some clothesline. Not the most attractive detail, but so far it works.

That's pretty much all the excitement around here this weekend. What's going on at your house?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Winter Stitching Finale

Winter has been officially over for about a month now, so I guess it is about time I finish up my 
Winter Stitching list and link up with Sarah. Honestly, I don't think there has really been much progress on the list since my mid-winter check-in...

1. Pay-It-Forward gifts...I have three lovely ladies to stitch for and I can't wait to get started on these. It is just a little intimidating to sew for other people, especially super-talented ones who are fabulous stitchers themselves. I have no idea what to make, so I'm open to suggestions!  Done, Done, and Done...
241 Totes for Annabella, Sarah, and Jennifer

2. Quillows for the boys using Nova's tutorial...I want to make one for each of the boys, or at least the older two for now. Nearly every day, Carson sees me sewing something and asks if it is his blanket and proceeds to tell me what color blanket he wants. I made the quilt that is on his bed (Ok, part of it...) but I guess he needs another. And it is getting really hard to keep telling him no, so I think he'll be getting one pretty soon. Done and Done! Well, Wyatt's isn't a quillow, but it is finished so I'll call it a win.

Carson's Quillow
Wyatt's Quilt
3. Quilt for Baby M....Some friends of ours are expecting their second baby, due on Christmas Day. Of course this little guy will need a quilt, I just need to plan a little. Done!

4. Christmas stockings...My kids have never had stockings (bad mom!) so I'm determined to get them made this year. I started on some last year, but was 9 months pregnant and quickly lost interest once Max was born. While looking through our decorations, I actually found some really horrible fleece stocking that I forgot I had made a few years ago, so technically they had stockings, though I would still love to make them some less embarrassing ones..

5. Quilt for Baby G....Another couple that we are friends with are expecting their second child as well. I think she is due in February, but they aren't finding out the gender, so I may wait. Or not, and take up the challenge of the gender neutral quilt. Totally didn't happen, though they did have an adorable little boy a few months ago...

6. Hometown Quilt... no idea about a pattern, but I think I will use it to make a quilt for my sister-in-law. They are doing a massive remodeling job on their house and from the descriptions of it that I've heard from her, I think Hometown would go really well in their new living room. The quilt may not get done by Christmas, but it can still be a house re-warming gift I guess. I think I've whined about this quilt enough. Not done, and I would be completely shocked if it were finished by next winter. But here is a picture just in case you want to see what Neglect looks like...

7. My parents' quilt...Not sure about this one yet, either. Their 40th wedding anniversary is in June, so that deserves a quilt, don't you think? Possibly Swoon.... Not likely to happen, unfortunately. I haven't given up all hope, but I'm a realist and I can state pretty confidently that it won't happen. At least not by June. Maybe I should shoot for their 45th....

8. Sewing Machine Cover...Pretty self-explanatory, really. I never remember to put the hard cover over it so my machine keeps getting dusty and sad, but I think if I had a pretty quilted one I just might take better care of it. Didn't do this either. Shocking I know...

But, there were quite a few things that I finished that were not on the list. Swaps and bee blocks took up the majority of my sewing time this winter. 

Bee Blocks...

and swaps.
OK, so according to my list I'm only looking at roughly 50% success rate but overall, I'm calling it a success!

 If you would like to see what some really talented stitchers did over the winter, head over to 
FairyFace Designs for the link-up.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm a Sloth

No, I haven't been hanging on clotheslines or anything like my silly boys, I have just been a total sloth lately. I really don't feel like I've gotten anything done in the last few weeks. Pretty much if my kids are sleeping, so am I. Or I am at least reclined somewhere playing solitaire, fantasy fabric shopping, or completely neglecting my email. Which is really okay since I have three kids to take care of, meals to fix, and a house to keep somewhat clean. And let's not forget that baby girl I'm currently gestating. But with my want-to-sew list growing exponentially in the last few days, I really need to get off my bum and start something! 

So last night I actually ordered fabric for a few projects that I need to, and I came up with this mosaic:

I have been going back and forth about what colors I would like to use when I start making things for the newest baby. Did I want to go with aqua, pink, and red similar to Ruby or Vintage Modern? Or keep it a little warmer with more yellow, pink, orange, and coral? I'm pretty sure most of you could guess which one I would end up using, given my fondness for orange. 

I absolutely love this quilt by Anna of Noodlehead and let's not forget Hadley's beautiful Stained quilt. I think adding in the yellows and oranges helps me accept the pink just a bit more easily. I've always said that if I had a girl I did not want to overdo the pink factor, but now that we are having one I do find myself wanting a touch of it here and there. 

So, yeah. Not much actual sewing going on over here right now, just plenty of list making. 
What is on your To-be-Sewn list?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Big News

So, we went to the doctor yesterday for an ultrasound and found out that we are having a ...

I'm still in a bit of shock, but now I'm on the hunt for all the fun girly tutorials I can find!! Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mystery Charm Swap

I love a good charm swap. They are great ways to get a sampling of all kinds of fun fabrics without committing to yardage. Not to mention the convenience of having all those 5" squares already cut and waiting to be sewn into your latest project. 

The ever-creative Jenelle of Echinops & Aster and Sunni of Love Affair With My Brother are hosting a really fun pair of charm swaps in conjunction with Pink Chalk Fabrics, and sign ups start today.
Orange / Aqua / Grey Mystery Charm Swap Polka Dot Charm Swap

Here are the details:

Joint Mystery Charm Swaps hosted by Echinops & Aster, Love Affair With My Brother, and Pink Chalk Fabrics.
- The two themes for the swaps are Orange, Aqua, & Grey (Echinops & Aster) and Polka Dots (Love Affair With My Brother).
- There are 27 spots open in each swap on a first-come, first-served basis.
- We will be selecting the fabrics from Pink Chalk's amazing online inventory based on our respective themes.
- We will cut, sort, and mail the charm packs all under the utmost security. ;) The actual fabric choices will remain a mystery until the charm packs arrive.
- This swap is open to international participants.
- Participants will buy in via PayPal.
- Sign-ups begin this Monday, April 16th on each blog and run through April 30th.
- We will announce on our blogs once each swap is filled.
Sounds fun, right?  So hop on over and sign up!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Sewing

Did all of you have a good weekend?

Ours was pretty great, really. Lazy and relaxing. Not much on my "to-do" list actually got done, but I did get a little sewing time in yesterday afternoon. Roger took all three boys outside with him after naptime to clean out his shop and work on the planter, which means I had a few hours of uninterrupted sewing time.

So what did I make?

After my relative success with the Dana Top, I decided to try another Sis Boom pattern and attempted the Meghan Peasant Top thinking it would be another good candidate for maternity wear. Though the pattern was great and fairly simple to make, I'm not as in love with this one. For one, I'm just not a fan of elastic around my ribcage. I also used a very soft Lisette Fabric for this and had all kinds of tension/puckering issues. I'm not an experienced enough sewist to work with slippery fabrics yet and actually get them to behave. I also made it way too long, so basically I have a new nightgown. Which can be fixed easily enough. I do like the fabric that I used and the shirt is fine, just not exactly as exciting as I'd hoped. But I'll still call it a success.

And what did my husband bring me as a gift when I was done sewing?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Random Friday

I seem to write a lot of post titled "Random _____", don't I?
 But that is pretty much my life at this point so I guess it is fitting. Here are some random, mostly non-quilting related tidbits going on around here...

**The nice UPS man brought a big box to my house yesterday afternoon with this sticker on the top:

In the box are 50 strawberry plants and 20 raspberry plants. Guess what we're doing this weekend...Good thing Rog is off work.

**I finished my Dana shirt yesterday and I think I really like it.
Not the best picture, but I have no intention of modeling it for you. The original one that I made was in the Medium (8-10) size, as that is what I would consider my usual size. Way too big. The pattern says it is supposed to be a flowy, generous top, but it was beyond that. So this version is the Small size and even then I ended up taking in the sides of the upper part of the bodice quite a bit. And I really think there will still be enough room for this baby belly over the next few months. My next one will be an extra small. And there will be at least one or two more being made. They are really so easy and I need a few more to add to my summer maternity wardrobe. The fabric I used for this one was from Lisette at JoAnn. It is so soft, almost like the Art Gallery fabrics.

**Do you read How About Orange? I love seeing all the fun things she designs and reading her tech tips and other goodness. She also randomly posts links to odd quizzes and trivia games that are fun time-wasters. The other day she had a link to a quiz from Better Homes and Gardens about your decorating style. I found myself wanting to answer "None of the Above" to many of the questions, but my result was somewhat accurate...Polished Casual. As long as by "Polished" they mean "desperately needs dusting" and "covered in crayon and cheerio crumbs".

This has absolutely nothing to do with this post, I just love those cheeks.
**Today was parent teacher conferences at preschool and Rog had to work, so that means I got to take all 3 boys with me and then had to run several errands afterwards. Carson proceeded to tell every person we encountered all about what kind of tractor we have, what color our planter is, how big the worm was he dug up a few weeks ago, what kind of pizza I brought out to the field last night while they were planting with their dad, that grapes are his favorite fruit, and on and on. I think I heard his spiel about 5 times this morning. He used to be really shy...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WIP Wednesday

You know wHat really annoys me? HaVing to read words tHat are a mixture of upper and lower Case letters. Unfortunately, someone (my guess is tHat is name rHymes witH tax) Has messed up my keyboard tHis morning so tHat my C, H, and V only work as Capital letters. And my spaCebar only works about Half tHe time. 

So tHis morning's post will be mostly piCtures. And I may just start omitting tHe annoying letters, so please exCuse any grammatiCal errors...

Wyatt's Quilt, more HERE
Hexing Around tHe BloCk for do.Good StitCHes, using Lee's tutorial. We were eaCH supposed to CHoose a Color and sinCe I HaVe enougH orange sCraps I opted for tHese.

 Potager BloCk for Mary CatHerine in tHe Modern BloCks Bee.

     Interesting. My keyboard works fine when using applications other than Blogger. So the rest of      this post will be brought to you by Microsoft Word. 

I actually have another finish this week, but don’t have any pictures of it. I made a shirt! And it isn’t hideous! It is way too big for me right now, but I think it will be fairly easy to take in the sides a bit. I used the Dana Top pattern by the Scientific Seamstress for Sis Boom. So easy and I think it will make a great maternity top this summer. I actually have the pieces cut out for another in a nicer fabric, so hopefully I can get it done this afternoon.

The only real ongoing project I have that I can think of at the moment is that darn Road to Tennessee quilt I started a while back. I honestly have no love for this project right now. I don’t know if I should just pack it away somewhere so I don’t have to look at it, or just give it away! Not sure that anyone else would even want it, but I hate to know that it is boxed up in my closet. 
Here's an old piCture of it...
I’m also not sure why the font and size keep changing throughout this post, but I have to go pick up Wyatt so I won’t be sticking around long enough to figure it out. Hope you all have a lovely day!