
Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm a Sloth

No, I haven't been hanging on clotheslines or anything like my silly boys, I have just been a total sloth lately. I really don't feel like I've gotten anything done in the last few weeks. Pretty much if my kids are sleeping, so am I. Or I am at least reclined somewhere playing solitaire, fantasy fabric shopping, or completely neglecting my email. Which is really okay since I have three kids to take care of, meals to fix, and a house to keep somewhat clean. And let's not forget that baby girl I'm currently gestating. But with my want-to-sew list growing exponentially in the last few days, I really need to get off my bum and start something! 

So last night I actually ordered fabric for a few projects that I need to, and I came up with this mosaic:

I have been going back and forth about what colors I would like to use when I start making things for the newest baby. Did I want to go with aqua, pink, and red similar to Ruby or Vintage Modern? Or keep it a little warmer with more yellow, pink, orange, and coral? I'm pretty sure most of you could guess which one I would end up using, given my fondness for orange. 

I absolutely love this quilt by Anna of Noodlehead and let's not forget Hadley's beautiful Stained quilt. I think adding in the yellows and oranges helps me accept the pink just a bit more easily. I've always said that if I had a girl I did not want to overdo the pink factor, but now that we are having one I do find myself wanting a touch of it here and there. 

So, yeah. Not much actual sewing going on over here right now, just plenty of list making. 
What is on your To-be-Sewn list?


  1. Ooh, I like the set of fabric you picked! Pinks with oranges and yellows look awesome... I wish I were better at getting them into my stash (I think I have like five yellow pieces of yellow or orange at home). >_<

    I think pregnant women shouldn't have to cook dinner. And also women with infants. You're off dinner duty for a year and a half, woot! :D

  2. Lists can be good, it's always good to have a plan for when energy bites you!

  3. lol I'm in the same boat as you...I went through a phase of having lots of energy and motivation, but now that's quickly gone away...ugh. Meanwhile, my "to-sew" list is also growing!
    I LOVE those colors for your little girl, can't wait to see what you turn that in to! And I'm with you on the pink...I've picked purple and yellow for her nursery, but adding little bits of pink here and there :)

  4. get the rest while you can.... I do the opposite if I'm not resting, I sew and neglect house work ;P
    (I still love pink for a girl, but if others give me non-pink items, that's fine too- with #3 I'm not picky!)

  5. I love that you added in the orange to your pinky palette. Take it easy Toni!

  6. Love the palette AND some of your actual fabric choices....that'll be fun to stitch up!

  7. Not a sloth, just growing a human being! That's a pretty tough job, I'd say:). LOVE the fabrics you chose.

  8. I like coral and magenta fathoms more than traditional powdery baby girl pink. I think the palette you put together is stunning! I am sewing up my little owl pillow right now and hopefully figuring what the next big project will be. :)

  9. great mosaic! I thought the same when I had a girl... your house will be covered in pink in no time ;)

  10. love those colours and I too have been a sloth. Although you are expecting so you have a very good excuse! x

  11. When I was pregnant with Em I swore she wouldn't be frilly and dressed in pink every day. Then Chris laughed at me when I put her in dresses all of the time and painted her room pink with bright colorful polka dots. I informed him that I didn't say she wouldn't wear pink, just that she wouldn't be dressed like a china doll. Pink can be fun too... ;)
