
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Sewing

Did all of you have a good weekend?

Ours was pretty great, really. Lazy and relaxing. Not much on my "to-do" list actually got done, but I did get a little sewing time in yesterday afternoon. Roger took all three boys outside with him after naptime to clean out his shop and work on the planter, which means I had a few hours of uninterrupted sewing time.

So what did I make?

After my relative success with the Dana Top, I decided to try another Sis Boom pattern and attempted the Meghan Peasant Top thinking it would be another good candidate for maternity wear. Though the pattern was great and fairly simple to make, I'm not as in love with this one. For one, I'm just not a fan of elastic around my ribcage. I also used a very soft Lisette Fabric for this and had all kinds of tension/puckering issues. I'm not an experienced enough sewist to work with slippery fabrics yet and actually get them to behave. I also made it way too long, so basically I have a new nightgown. Which can be fixed easily enough. I do like the fabric that I used and the shirt is fine, just not exactly as exciting as I'd hoped. But I'll still call it a success.

And what did my husband bring me as a gift when I was done sewing?


  1. haha....oh my RE: your hubs' thoughtfulness. Definitely worth some sewing time tho! ;-) I guess congrats on a nice finish that you don't really like?? hmm.

  2. Hehehehe. War wounds. Love the blouse!!! Totally my style! You'll have to let me know how it works for maternity- I'm on the hunt for awesome (easy) summer maternity patterns too. xo

  3. The dress looks lovely from here! I'm impressed by your garment sewing efforts. I just can't wrap my head around it.

  4. haha! Love the top, that fabric is great. Sorry you don't like it as much. Maybe it'll grow on you. How could you not laugh at that little face! He's so cute!!

  5. I like the warm yellow color of the fabric too and your sewing looks great (I don't see any puckers or anything). I tend to agree about having elastic around my ribcage as well (it migrates!). If you are planning on making some more maternity friendly clothing, Megan Nielson Patterns are very cute and stylish plus they seem to be designed so that you could use the clothing and the pattern after having your baby. Here's the link:

  6. gorgeous blouse and love that pic of the dirty babe! x

  7. How generous of the hubby... ;o)

    Love the fabric of that top too, but I must admit I have issues with elastic and things like that on tops (actually, one might just leave it at 'I have issues'... ;o) )

  8. Could you replace the elastic with a thin ribbon to hold the gathers?

    Love the dirty face with the clean little body....such a boy...but what else is to be expected?

  9. I hope that's just dirt, but too cute! I know what you mean about elestic around the ribcage, but I like Cindy's idea!

  10. Pwahaha! What IS that on his face? I love that mugshot!

  11. The blouse looks so pretty Toni - I bet it will look lovely on.
    Oh, husbands are good at 'that'!

  12. your little one is so cute! and the top is adorable too! :)

  13. I like the style of the top. Might try a smaller elastic or one that is less stiff and see if you like it better.

    I raised three boys on a farm. I have seen that same face multiple times. Fair warning: If your son were to break his arm while in the shop with Dad (read greasy) and require sedation but no surgery to set it....the doctor doesn't always feel the need to CLEAN said arm before casting. He did, however, suggest I try to clean it up two weeks later as he changed the cast! Had I known, I would have brought waterless handsoap. If one of your sons breaks a bone, request the limb be cleaned before casting!
