
Monday, April 16, 2012

Mystery Charm Swap

I love a good charm swap. They are great ways to get a sampling of all kinds of fun fabrics without committing to yardage. Not to mention the convenience of having all those 5" squares already cut and waiting to be sewn into your latest project. 

The ever-creative Jenelle of Echinops & Aster and Sunni of Love Affair With My Brother are hosting a really fun pair of charm swaps in conjunction with Pink Chalk Fabrics, and sign ups start today.
Orange / Aqua / Grey Mystery Charm Swap Polka Dot Charm Swap

Here are the details:

Joint Mystery Charm Swaps hosted by Echinops & Aster, Love Affair With My Brother, and Pink Chalk Fabrics.
- The two themes for the swaps are Orange, Aqua, & Grey (Echinops & Aster) and Polka Dots (Love Affair With My Brother).
- There are 27 spots open in each swap on a first-come, first-served basis.
- We will be selecting the fabrics from Pink Chalk's amazing online inventory based on our respective themes.
- We will cut, sort, and mail the charm packs all under the utmost security. ;) The actual fabric choices will remain a mystery until the charm packs arrive.
- This swap is open to international participants.
- Participants will buy in via PayPal.
- Sign-ups begin this Monday, April 16th on each blog and run through April 30th.
- We will announce on our blogs once each swap is filled.
Sounds fun, right?  So hop on over and sign up!


  1. Sounds fun, tho I'm already in a these though, and I have really enjoyed using the charms I've already swapped!

  2. I'm trying to decide if I want to do both or TRY and choose just one...

  3. Signed up for both! I am super excited about the color triad one, and who couldn't use some polka dots?
