
Friday, April 13, 2012

Random Friday

I seem to write a lot of post titled "Random _____", don't I?
 But that is pretty much my life at this point so I guess it is fitting. Here are some random, mostly non-quilting related tidbits going on around here...

**The nice UPS man brought a big box to my house yesterday afternoon with this sticker on the top:

In the box are 50 strawberry plants and 20 raspberry plants. Guess what we're doing this weekend...Good thing Rog is off work.

**I finished my Dana shirt yesterday and I think I really like it.
Not the best picture, but I have no intention of modeling it for you. The original one that I made was in the Medium (8-10) size, as that is what I would consider my usual size. Way too big. The pattern says it is supposed to be a flowy, generous top, but it was beyond that. So this version is the Small size and even then I ended up taking in the sides of the upper part of the bodice quite a bit. And I really think there will still be enough room for this baby belly over the next few months. My next one will be an extra small. And there will be at least one or two more being made. They are really so easy and I need a few more to add to my summer maternity wardrobe. The fabric I used for this one was from Lisette at JoAnn. It is so soft, almost like the Art Gallery fabrics.

**Do you read How About Orange? I love seeing all the fun things she designs and reading her tech tips and other goodness. She also randomly posts links to odd quizzes and trivia games that are fun time-wasters. The other day she had a link to a quiz from Better Homes and Gardens about your decorating style. I found myself wanting to answer "None of the Above" to many of the questions, but my result was somewhat accurate...Polished Casual. As long as by "Polished" they mean "desperately needs dusting" and "covered in crayon and cheerio crumbs".

This has absolutely nothing to do with this post, I just love those cheeks.
**Today was parent teacher conferences at preschool and Rog had to work, so that means I got to take all 3 boys with me and then had to run several errands afterwards. Carson proceeded to tell every person we encountered all about what kind of tractor we have, what color our planter is, how big the worm was he dug up a few weeks ago, what kind of pizza I brought out to the field last night while they were planting with their dad, that grapes are his favorite fruit, and on and on. I think I heard his spiel about 5 times this morning. He used to be really shy...


  1. Isn't it kind of fun when a shy kid turns not-so-shy? I have one of those and it's been great to see him come out of his shell in the last few years. :)

  2. Ha ha, I took the quiz and it said "French Country" which it definitely is NOT, but it was fun nonetheless. Cute chubby cheeks!!!

  3. Cute top! I'm envious of your berries-to-be. I'm planting some tomatoes this weekend. I hope I don't kill them.

  4. Fitting into an XS whilst pregnant - I think I have gone right off you!!

  5. what? you're pregnant too? how far? and this is a CUTE top!! is it maternity? what's the pattern name and where did you get it? have fun planting

  6. hmm I was polished casual, never heard that style before, sort of shabby chic without the cheap stuff?? I don't know.

  7. Oh this is the lady that designed "Outside Oslo"! Very cool blog. My decorating style is also Polished Casual (ya, not so much polished!).

  8. Happy planting, and just think, Carson will have a new story out of it for next week :oD

    Love the top, though I might be with Hadders on the sizing... ;o)

  9. Cute top Toni and I`m joining Katy and Hadley on this one I`m afraid. Love that you have preschool conferences!

  10. I took the quiz out of curiousity and got Country. No surprise there! Though their color suggestions of blue and white are not on par. More like lots of wood and cowboy paraphenalia.

    Cute top! It's hard to imagine anyone pregnant fitting into an XS, but sewing patterns can be tricky with sizes. Maybe belting the more blousy versions would work?

    Good luck with the planting. I would love to get raspberry bushes but am not sure where I would put them yet.

  11. love your son's editorial and oh all those berries!

  12. Your top looks great! I wish I could eat farm fresh strawberries. Those cheekies are adooorable! :)
