Saturday, December 10, 2011

Giveaway Day!!

**Giveaway has closed. Thanks to everyone who entered! Winners can be found {here}.

It's finally here! One of the most magical days of the year!

I don't know about you, but I love when Giveaway Day rolls around. One of the first thoughts I had when I started my blog was what cool stuff would I give away on such a fun day?

Well, I don't know if you are aware of this, but I have a little love affair going on with solid fabrics. I adore them! So I thought, why not share some beautiful Kona solids with a lucky reader?

How about a Fat Quarter starter pack of 16 of the most popular Kona solids?
See that one in the bottom right corner? It's called School Bus and is one of my absolute favorites. I'm an orange kind of girl.

But wait! Kathy the generous owner of Pink Chalk Fabrics has graciously offered a second FQ Starter Pack to another lucky reader! That's right kids, 2 FQ Bundles are up for grabs.

Just leave one comment and you'll be entered to win. 
How about telling me what your day job is?
Yes, I'm a snoop. I think it's interesting to see what we do when we aren't sewing. If you're CIA or something crazy like that, just make something up OK?

For a second chance at the bundle of joy, let me know if you are a follower. 

Mr. Random will pick two winners Friday December 16th after the giveaway closes at 5PM PST. International entrants welcome!

Be sure to stop by Sew, Mama, Sew for tons and tons of other great giveaways!


  1. Ok, someone has got to be first, right? I'm a SAHM, so I guess that would be my day job, though 2 years ago, I was a pharmacist.

  2. I'm a follower- just got linked over from someone who you made a stuffed owl ornament, that thing is SOOOO cute, did you make up the pattern? I want that pattern, it's adorable!!

  3. oh my day job is a long arm quilter!! well SAHM, both my kids are now school age, so I get to be at home and quilt all day!! isn't that awesome? I have my long arm business but I don't have THAT many customers yet, which is fine for now, I love my breaks inbetween.

  4. I'm a SAHM but before this I was a teacher. I wouldn't trade my current job for anything in the world!

  5. Hey Toni! I'm an orange kind of girl too. I love Amelia orange from the BellaSolids range. Similar to the school bus one. My day job - I'm an adviser to the federal government on affordable housing policy! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  6. My day job is desktop support for a call center. Not very glamorous, but it supports my fabric addiction. LOL


  7. I am def a follower


  8. I'm a Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages in "forced" retirement so my current day job is pretty much whatever I choose to do!

  9. I'm a student and I work at a trucking company processing paperwork from the drivers.

  10. I'm an assistant to an insurance agent :)

  11. Wow thanks for the chance to win some of these beauties! Other than being a mum I'm a Mac specialist for Apple retail :D I play with shiny toys all day - it's great!

  12. I am am Agricultural engineer. I design tractors!

  13. I am a SAHM although I used to be an elementary school teacher and also worked in a branding firm creating new names for products. I named a car once!

  14. My day job...I am a SAHM but my boys are mostly grown. They are 19, 16, and 13. I also run a longarm quilting business.

  15. I'm a legal secretary. Gotta love the desk job that limits my time in front of the sewing machine.

  16. I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Hi :)
    Im a follower :)
    Atm I dont do much than study, moved to sweden 3 years ago and was a kind of start from scratch as I had to learn the language :)

    Catarina Appelgren

  18. im a follower of yours - btw toni, keep your eye on the mail, hint hint :)

  19. i'm a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing by day :)

  20. My day job: student, carpool driver, bookkeeper, caregiver, that enough? Bottom line is that I'm a very lucky gal who does a ton of things but gets to do them at home. :)

  21. i am a manager for school reviews

  22. designing sewing patterns and making cute things for cute little people

  23. My day job - Childcare provider. I get to spend my days with 'borrowed children' & play, craft, blow bubbles & have Dora dance parties every day! It's awesome!

  24. I am a follower...and love solids as well! Great giveaway!

  25. I am so into Kona Solids right now!!!!! My day job is a very unexciting Computer Programmer... bleh.

  26. Oooh lovely giveaway, I've got a bit of a thing for solids too :-) My day job? Looking after elliecat... does that count?

  27. I am an Administrative Assistant. Ha... I usually just say "secretary" although I really do a bit more than a secretary would do.

  28. I work at a company called Insurance Auto Auctions for the Vehicle Donation Program.

  29. I am a SAHM and a breast cancer warrior.

  30. during the day I work for the dutch goverment. Currently however I'm on maternity leave untill early januari.

    Plenty of time to spend on my paintbox quilt. the FQ solids would be a great addition!

  31. Cook, house cleaner, child care taker, bus driver, launderer, everything else that comes with having children! (booboo kisser, poopoo cleaner, ya know, the works.)

  32. Master sleep trainer. I have a baby, I need sleep.

  33. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I love School Bus too, although of course I find the greys the most useful for backgrounds. By day, I'm a production coordinator at a small publishing house, so I typeset and design books. I try to sew as much as I can in the evenings!

  34. I'm a professor (and I should be marking papers right now!)

  35. oh how great Kathy is participating with you!! And I am happy (& thankful!) to be a follower!!

  36. Love the solids!!! By day, I am the Office Manager at a large church in our town.

  37. I haven't sewn with solids polka dots toooo much! So winning your prize will help in that department! I too have three boys, ages 16, 14, and 10. I was hoping it would get easier but...I suppose "easy" shouldn't be a goal! :) I mostl;y stay at home, but I have started subbing K-8. Thanks!!!

  38. The fabrics are beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win :) And currently I don't have a job (I know, that sucks) but I'm patiently searching for one...

  39. During the day I am a lawyer. Thanks for the chance to win a bunch of solids - I am so inspired by what people are doing with solids on various blogs, I want to try some of these patterns out myself!

  40. My day job is a SAHM, but in my former life I was a librarian. Thanks for the opportunity to grab some solids!

  41. By day I'm a quilter and by night I'm a Grad student. oh and I'm a follower ;)!


  42. yay for solids! during the day, i work "in wealth management"... ugh, that phrase makes me cringe. is that awful? anyway, i'm a licensed sales assistant to three brokers and a wealth relationship advisor. i hope to retire and craft full-time within the next few years.

  43. I am a contract manager for a state government agency. Thanks for the giveaway! robyn(dot)geddes(at)gmail(dot)com

  44. I'm a SAHM and I crochet for my Etsy shop.

  45. I am a biologist and am currently doing a PhD in fish nutrition!

  46. I'm a SAHM of 3 little boys, Connor, Logan and Jacob. I quilt to save my sanity!

  47. I'm an organic chemist, breast cancer research.

    Thanks so much!

  48. ah, i stay at home with my twins!

  49. I work in a law firm as a secretary.

  50. Hi, I'm a translator (from English to Spanish) here in Barcelona (Spain).

    Thanks for the chance to win


  51. For my day job, I'm a Professor of Sociology. I'm just finishing up teaching a class about the sociology of sexuality. It makes for interesting work days! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  52. I'm a software test lead for a bank (ooh, the excitement ;o) )

    Love your bundle of joy though, thanks for the chance to win!

  53. Day job is Mama to 5! :) And it's a great one too!

    Thanks for the fun!

  54. My day job is the same as my night job..stay at home WIFE, grandmother, mother, friend...ok I don't get paid for any of these things but I love my job! I get paid in kisses

  55. My day job is being a serious quilter and bird watcher (out the window while I quilt).
    thanks for the neat giveaway!!

  56. I am a stay at home mom of three kids 5 and under

  57. I am a proud mom to 5 kids during the day :)

  58. My day job is sewist for two grandchildren after retiring as a Fashion Merchandising instructor at the local college. So fun to implement the design concepts I taught so many years! Thank you for this giveaway opportunity!! Merry Christmas!

  59. I'm a SAHM so the day jobs are numerous!

  60. I'm a SAHM who also homeschools my girls. We have a great time learning together. Last week we made no-bake cookies to represent buffalo chips that were used along the Oregon Trail for fires to share with our co-op.

  61. I am a Minnesota State employee half time helping out citizens and government folks. Thanks for the great giveaway - can never have too many solids!

  62. My day job- I work from home and I sell commercial furniture and design services to various commercial and hospitality related companies... and nap when I want to so it has some bonuses haha. Thank you for the opportunity to win your great giveaway prize! Happy holidays to you and your family! <3


  63. I'm a computer programmer, or software engineer really... Weird huh?!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  64. Hi I'm a sofware engineer by day... addicted to fabric too!

  65. My day job (and night job too!) is domestic engineer!

  66. I'm an accountant. No space for creativity there (frequently frowned upon in this line of work) so I've found sewing to be where I can exercise my creativity.

  67. I just moved to Houston, TX, because of my husband's job so I am unemployed right now! I was a graphic designer for a regional retailer.

  68. i work at bmi, the performing rights organization. fun stuff (said with irony!)

  69. I'm retired now, after nursing in Emergency. That's why I like the peace and quiet (I almost said piece and quilt, ha! ) of quilting so much.

  70. I'm supposed to be a landscape architect but my post got made redundant a few years ago and I'm still looking. In the meantime, I'm a stay at home mama, which is great but the pay is rubbish!

  71. I have 2 day jobs.. massage therapist, and work in a yarn store! Thanks for the chance!

  72. Well, I don't do the same thing every day...but I'm a wife/mother/and then I cook one meal a week at a Bible college, then I clean for the college...I also do online audio editing/converting of files and some other stuff too. =)

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  73. I am currently "between jobs" so my daily grind involves lots of sewing and machine embroidery.

  74. I'm a new follower! I would love to win a bundle of solids!!!! Thank you.

  75. Hi Toni! I think we are in some bees together in the new year :). What a generous giveaway you are hosting! I'm an orange girl too! OK, my day job is SAHM - hardest and best job I've ever had!

  76. I love solids too :)

    I'm a student (in four long years, I'll be teaching children with disabilities) and during the week-end, I work at a restaurant.

  77. I'm a follower now, too! I see your from TN - what part?? I love TN!

  78. My day job is mom, but I also do volunteer work with pregnant and new moms.

  79. my day job is working from home grant writing to fight human trafficking and playing with my two beautiful girls.

  80. I'm a PhD student, for a few more months ... Thanks for the give away!

  81. I work in marketing for financial services -- it sounds dry, but it is actually a lot of fun!

  82. I am an admission director in higher education. Making dreams come true...:)

  83. I am a Mom. Both of my kids are now in school full-time though, so I fill my days in other ways, and try to help out at school as much as I can!

  84. My main day job is making sure our small human makes it to the end of the day alive. :) My other, very part time, day job is a pharmacy technician. That lets me deal with a whole other type of crazy for a bit.

  85. I follow you via google reader, Toni!

  86. I'm an epidemiologist. Thank you for the giveaway. blueberryblues5(at)gmail

  87. I was an estimator until 6 weeks ago but now I'm a group sourcing co-ordinator. So now you know exactly what I do all day!! ;0)

  88. Well, right now my day job is job hunting. I was laid off from a mental health job working with the homeless a few months back, so hopefully my day job will be something along those lines again soon.

    Thanks for the giveaway chance. Who doesn't need more solids in their stash?

  89. My 24 hour a day job is being a Mom. I stay at home with my son. I am also a blogger, product reviewer and I crochet items to sell also.

  90. I'm a stay at home mom to 2 boys and a girl and soon another little one!!! Awesome giveaway!

  91. full time mom. thanks for the giveaway!

  92. I'm a stay-at-home mom to a 2 year-old boy and have another boy on the way :) I spend my days struggling to think of new, create ways to entertain a toddler with no attention span and just trying to get up and down the stairs without falling, ha.

  93. My day job? I do nothing, lol. I used to work in food service & Nanny, but now I am a full-time incubator on bed rest (meaning I am very pregnant), soon though I will be a SaHM though. I also craft, but that doesn't really feel like a job...

  94. By day I am a mum. By night I am a mum too. I fit the sewing between the demands of that job! Thanks for the fab giveaway!!

  95. My day job is currently up for negotiation. No seriously. I am a designer/marketer and I also tutor/work with foster kids. I'm thinking about going back to school but haven't yet figured it out.

  96. I'm also a follower of your blog. I love it and I love love working with solids. I really hope I win! =) Thanks!!

  97. I'm and executive assistant, actually that's the posh name for secretary.
    Terrific giveaway! thanks for sharing.

  98. Ooh, this is probably the best giveaway I have seen. I love Kona cottons. My day job is that I am a Mom. Not very exciting, but great at the same time :)

  99. i'm a project manager for a computer division in a bank.

  100. That's lovely giveaway, thanks for the opportunity. In the summer I left my job as GM for an orchestra so I'm just doing freelance arts consulting at the moment. In other words - I get to snuggle on the couch with my pooches doing marketing/PR etc. for musicians until I get motivated to look for another full time job.

  101. I was working for the post office, but recently left and moved across the country with my hubby. Until I find a new job, I get to be a housewife and it's just as awesome as I though it would be.

  102. I am a statistical analyst. Not as boring as it sounds.

    -Safiya (atouchoftheblues at gmail dot com)

  103. Also I am a new follower.
    -Safiya ( atouchoftheblues At gmail dot com)

  104. I work for the Veteran's Affairs Health System as a clerk to help Veteran's get care outside of the VA hospital, even though it's a clerk job it is quite fulfilling to be able to help our Veterans! :)

  105. I have the absolute best job, I am a stay-at-home mom! But before the kids, I used to work as a research technician, trying to crystallize protein to determine their structure. I loved that job too, but I wouldn't give up my new one for the world!

  106. I follow your blog through RSS! Thanks for the chance to win! I hope I get picked!

  107. I used to teach, but now I am a mom and I stay home with my girly.

  108. I'm a Land Manager at a nature reserve.

  109. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I spend my days managing our family of seven. Sometimes I just say I'm a zookeeper. :)

  110. I'm a technical support.
    Thx for the chance to win ^^v

  111. Oh! What an interesting question. I'm a high school English teacher by day.

  112. i'm a professional acrobat. just kidding - i'm a SAHM to two little girls - the oldest of which is homeschooled for kindergarten!

  113. added you to my google reader, if that counts for following...

  114. My day job is getting up and doing what I want to do! I retired when I was 50 and then we came to live in France! So I can please myself almost every day what I want to do...bliss. Thanks for the chance to win.

  115. I'm a software engineer part time, full time graduate student another part time, and lean-mean-quilting-machine the last part time.

    *wipes brow* its exhausting being me. :)

  116. I'm a SAHM and wannabe illustrator/graphic designer...

  117. Stay at home mom for my crazy girls and a piano teacher.

  118. I am a fitness instructor. I teach about 10 hours a week everything good for the soul and the intense muscle building types of classes too.

  119. I don't have an official day job any more (unless, like Sarah and Elliecat, looking after Archie counts!) but I used to be a primary school teacher, mainly teaching 5 - 7 year olds...

  120. Bundle of joy?! I'd like one of those!! And of course I'm a follower!

  121. My day job is being a student, but only for one more week before I go back to SAHM!

  122. I am a nanny and massage therapist.

  123. thanks for the fabulous giveaway! I'm a research scientist studying macular degeneration.

  124. Hi, thank you for the chance to win. In "normal" life I am a teacher.

  125. ooo, how interesting to see what everyone does. I work in Schools finance: i get to go to two different schools every day and help out the lovely ladies with their finances. I LOVE my job!

  126. definintely a follower. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity

  127. yup, just like everyone else; sahm mom here. not to say i actually have AH CRAP! MY SHIFT KEY JUST BROKE!

  128. I'm a student as a day job but my summer day job when college was out was working at an Amusement Park as a ride op.

  129. I'm a stay-at-home mom to two: Henry (2) and Lucy (6 months). Thanks for the chance to win!
    LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

  130. I'm a new follower (Laura W)
    LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

  131. I am an assistant in project management, sending people around the world for Mercedes-Benz. I wish I could go to all those places myself!

  132. I'm a physical therapist :)

    LOVE solids!!

    caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com

  133. I'm a programmer. Huh, there's nothing else interesting to say about that! :D

  134. ... and I'm a follower, of course! :)

  135. I'm a research analyst at a university by day and a law student by night.

  136. I'm not in the CIA, and even if I were I wouldn't tell you. :-) I am a part-time Administrative Assistant. I am lucky that I get to work at home; however, it is too easy to procrastinate and read blogs and sew instead of working.

  137. I am a mom, who does some tutoring on the side. And who should be sewing instead of on the computer.

  138. I'm a psychologist - working exclusively in schools

  139. Lactation Consultant. Thanks for the chance!

  140. My day jobs are domestic engineer and free lance office manager! Ask me how much I love spreadsheets!

  141. i'm a student!

    but i work part time at the student housing office on campus. i'm there right now, actually. it's a slow day!

  142. I'm a stay at home mom. Before that I had gone back to school for my Early Childhood Education diploma and was working in a classroom of 2 year olds.

  143. I'm a graduate student... but I'll be moving into the real world soon!

  144. My day job is - I make babies! Well, baby dolls - you can see them at

  145. Mostly I'm a SAHM, but I also teach Anatomy and Physiology at a 4year college. I am also a follower! Thanks for the chance.

  146. I stay at home with my kids and I'm a nurse 1-day a week.

  147. Oops, guess I should say I'm a follower in a second post.

  148. My day job is chasing after my cute little daughter!

  149. I'm an English and media teacher to 14-18 year olds. They swear a lot, and make me laugh!

  150. My day job is Mommy. Great giveaway thanks for doing it!

  151. I just graduated and shifted countries to rejoin my wonderful fiance. . . so right now my job is house-fiancee!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway
    Sarah @

  152. I am a junior high school social studies teacher turned Stay-at-home-mom to three kids under 5. I love my job!

  153. I was an ESL teacher till about 2 years I'm a SAHM currently experimenting with homeschooling...thanks for the giveaway!


  154. I'm a homemaker mostly due to the current economic situation, we live in a small town and there are just no jobs (literally) to be had. I'm enjoying the situation though and have been able to do a ton of crafting this past year.

  155. Well I don't really have a title....I do a bit of bookkeeping, a bit of party planning, a bit of assisting the owner, and well I even have to waitress sometimes. Oh heck there have even been times recently when I was doing dishes. This is a family business so I do anything that needs to be done. BUT most of the time I am either doing the books (not cooking them) or party planning. Thanks for a great giveaway to you and Kathy

  156. great choice for the giveaway! I LOVE solids. I am a SAHM, but I also run a licensed home daycare, and homeschool my own five kids :)
