
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol. 8

For once I actually feel like I got some things accomplished this week! 
But yet, I don't have a whole lot to show you...


My Across the Sea is done! Yay! Donated to Project Linus via the 100 Quilts for Kids Campaign. You can read more about the quilt here.

In Progress:

I finished piecing the top for my Kaleidoscope quilt and got a good start on the back. Just need to get a little more of the brown solid then I should have that finished, too. I am so excited about this quilt! I just have no idea how I'm going to quilt it. Do I always say that? 

Getting Started:

Apparently I've decided that I just don't have enough to do, so I am joining the "No Excuses" Holiday Sew Along at Sew, Mama, Sew. I'm going to make the Christmas tree "pants" and can't wait for my tree to have some proper clothing this year. 

I am also being completely tempted by the 12 Days of Christmas Sampler QAL hosted by Sara of Sew Sweetness. I keep saying that I want to make a Christmas quilt, but I also keep putting it off, so maybe this year I'll actually get it done.

One thing that I will definitely make time for is Stockings for Kids. Lyanna of Purple Panda Quilts is hosting a homemade stocking drive so that the foster children she works with can have something homemade to call their own for Christmas. For more info and to sign up to help, visit her Flickr group.

As always, I'm linking up to WIP Wednesday, hosted by the lovely Lee of Freshly Pieced.


  1. Your across the sea turned out stunning, will make an eye catcher in a room! BTW I yesterday got aware of your PIN-DID post and wrote a post on my own about a pinterest-idea-realisation. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Both of your quilts are gorgeous!
    I just love the brown solid in the Kaleidoscope quilt - beautiful fabrics!

  3. love the colors on your kaleidoscope quilt!

  4. I always struggle with the how to quilt question. I stole my kaleidoscope quilting idea from someone else, and I really like the way it turned out!

  5. that kaleidoscope quilt is gorgeous :) love that shade of brown mixed with the other colors! and another charity stocking project... i may just have to make some more (yes, b/c i don't have enough to do either!)

  6. A kaleidoscope quilt is pretty high up on my to do list - yours is looking fab. Looks like you are going to have your hands full these coming months but I`m sure you`re going to have fun along the way. Love that you gave your QAL quilt for the 100 Quilts for Kids project - so generous and such an amazing cause.

  7. I'm so excited about the Kaleidoscope quilt it looks amazing! I love the brown too

  8. Oh the Kaleidoscope is coming on a treat!

  9. You've made great progress! Love your kaleidoscope (have I said that a dozen times?). I'm tempted by the qa too....wish they'd show some blocks. Can't decide....

  10. I'm doing the stockings too, and desperately trying to resist the 12 days sampler. I'm so glad I am not the only who has more going on than i probably should let myself have ;)

  11. Yay for the finish and that top, good luck with the rest!

  12. The brown and pink of the kaleidescope quilt works so well! Pink is a color I'm not super comfortable with yet, and now I'm inspired. Thanks!

  13. Love the colors of the kaleidescope quilt! Pink and brown are two of my favorites. Damn lady you have gotten a lot done!!!

  14. Love the crosses! Great fabric choices!

  15. Your across the sea is really neat! I love those color combinations.

  16. Gorgeous kaleidoscope quilt - looking forward to seeing the quilting!!

  17. Both of your quilts look so wonderful Toni!

  18. Well done on finishing your Kaleidoscope quilt top - it seems like only yesterday you were wondering whether to keep going and now it's done!

    You are going to be busy with all those Christmas plans - have fun!

  19. Love your Across the Sea finish! Kaleidoscope looks great, too!
