
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Goodie Swap 2011

Last one, I promise!!

I wanted to wait until I got both packages before I posted about them. My second partner's package arrived yesterday, so now I'm so excited to show you my goodies!

My first partner was Steph from Stephie's Stories.  Look at the fabulous things she sent me! A beautiful mug rug, a quilted tote for carrying rulers and cutting supplies, and even a coordinating mug for my rug!
I love the colors in this mug rug, especially the mug fabric, which is also what's on the back. Can you see the quilting that makes the steam over the mug? So great. 
 Steph even made a mix for an individual mug-sized Molten Lava Cake and made a pretty bag for it, too. I made it the other night after the kids were in bed and it was great! Does anyone else give themselves a treat for making it through another day?

I was beginning to wonder a bit about my second package, but yesterday I checked the mail on the way home from preschool and got a fun surprise...a puffy white envelope marked Royal Air Mail, all the way from Britain! So fun. 

And what was inside? 

The brilliant Hadley from Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle sent a beautiful mug rug, sewing kit, chocolates, a magazine, and some cute owl stickers.  Quite a haul! I can't wait to get some quiet time to sit down and look through that magazine and maybe sample some chocolates. Can you see the featured article is making jams and jellies? Quite appropriate, no?

I love that fussy bee and the pops of orange. The back is beautiful, too...

And look at the inside of the sewing kit:

 How fun is that? I'm very excited to have a little needle book to take with me in the car! Now I just need to figure out a fun hand sewing project. Any suggestions?

I have had such a great time in this swap, in case you hadn't noticed!
Huge thanks to Cindy at Fluffy Sheep Quilting for hosting and organizing such a fabulous swap. More thanks to my "receiving" partners, Jennifer and Sarah, for being such fun to make for. And to my "sending" partners, Steph and Hadley, for being so creative and generous!


  1. AGH!!!!!!!! Gorgeous!!! Um, since you have sooo many lovelies why don't you just send one my way. I especially love the Melody Miller orange and purple - but you know I have a thing for that right now! And a sewing kit? Toni, I can't even talk to you. ;)

  2. Hurray for playing swapsies!!

    It was a pleasure to make for you x

  3. What wonderful goodies, Toni! Good for you - glad it was such a fun swap! Love those mug rugs!

  4. I love that sewing kit/needle case - you lucky thing!!! You've got two wonderful parcels - yippee!! I'd suggest some hexagons for your hand sewing project ;o)

  5. I can't take all these lovely items that people are making. I have to get in on a swap so I can play.

  6. You lucky girl! But, really, you gave such nice goodies, it's only fair you get nice goodies in return. I bet opening those packages was so fun!

  7. what lovely packages you received. I saw stephs mug rugs (i made for her in the swap) and looked on with envy, knowing that she was my partner so i wouldn't be hers. And Hadley always makes fabulous things - and I love Green and Blacks

  8. So fun! I love that there are goodies alongside hand sewn goodness!

  9. So cute! Fun packages to receive. And Hadley's sewing kit is so cool!

  10. Wow! You received some lovely goodies, didn't you?

  11. Oh I am so jealous that you got Hadley's bee mugrug! I did get two lovely ones but wanted that one as well! Greedy I know! Lucky you you got two fantastic parcels!
