
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekend Sewing

For the most part, I would say I have had a successful weekend of sewing. 

Exploding Star

Yesterday morning I finished February's Exploding Star from Elizabeth's Lucky Stars BOM. I really just can't get enough of these colors lately. So not my usual thing, but navy, teal, grey, and a bit of apple green just look so good right now!

Then yesterday afternoon I started a baby quilt for some good friends that will be having a little boy soon. I have the hardest time deciding what quilt to make sometimes. I can literally spend hours scrolling through my Pinterest board designing quilts in my head and never getting anything done. I did that for a little while yesterday afternoon during nap time, then got annoyed with myself and grabbed some graph paper. Why yes, I am high tech, thank you very much! After just a bit of math, I had my plan and got to work.

Baby ZigZag, top

I was inspired by this quilt by The Girl Who Quilts. I thought it was a fun variation on a zigzag pattern. This top came together so quickly, I can definitely see myself making another one sometime! 

Wanting to keep my sewing high going, I grabbed the beginnings of a zip pouch that I had started in December for one of the boys' teachers. I had made a few mistakes on it and gotten tired of my seam ripper, so I just threw it into my cabinet and moved on to something else. Since things had been going my way, I decided to give it another shot. 

It would be nice if I caught these mistakes a little sooner.

After sewing on the left side of the pouch twice, I finally got the zipper how I wanted it, only to realize that the lining piece was too small! How I didn't notice before I don't understand, but I have a feeling this beauty is going to get thrown back into the cabinet! 

Now I am taking a bit of a break, though I just ordered the pattern for this quilt, so I'm about to get up and start digging through my green scraps. My plan is a low-key Christmas quilt, doing a few blocks here and there when I feel like it. My only indecision right now is what to use for the background, Kona Snow or a mixture of low-volume prints. Thoughts?


  1. Awesome block, and baby quilt.,,that sucks about the lining being to small, what if you just added a couple inches onto the lining? I don't think an extra seam on the inside would be too big of a deal!

  2. Great job on the block and the quilt, bummer on the pouch, but like Jeanette, I'd just sew on some extra fabric on that side and call it a design feature ;o)

  3. Love the baby quilt!!!! How fun!

  4. Your baby quilt is beautiful! I love how the colors came together.

  5. Love the colours of that star too and even though your lining is too small your dots line up beautifully!

  6. Love the colurs in your exploding star block and the baby quilt! If it is just the lining that is short, you can just join on another strip of fabric as it wont really be seen anyway?

  7. The block is just gorgeous and I think you should do up a tutorial for the baby quilt!!! So cute!!!

  8. You've been very productive! Have your kids been well behaved and the baby having long day naps?? I think one fabric for the background of the trees, but maybe not something as stark as in the example or Snow. Maybe a more linen colour?

  9. Oh Toni - that star is incredible!! I love it. Sorry about the zippie but the boy baby quilt is going to be lovely and I say low volume for the Christmas (really?? already??) quilt.

  10. Your bee blocks looks terrific! And the pouch - can't you piece both sides of the lining to match??

  11. Low volume as the background...that would be AWESOME! Oh and just sew on a chunk of fabric to that too short lining, no one will ever notice...or say you planned it that way!

  12. Goodness, that *is* a great weekend of sewing! Your star block is beautiful! And it's fabulous that you put your quilt top together so quickly! :)

    Ooh, I vote for low volume background fabric!

  13. 1. The star block is awesome!
    2. I love how you mixed some patchwork into the baby quilt. It adds a lot with screaming LOOK OVER HERE!
    3. The zipper pouch--you know I feel you...
    4. WOW! That quilt is ah-freakin-mazing and I would be overwhelmed to even start. Kona Snow would look awesome, but I'm kinda on a low-volume kick right now (you know..) and I think that would add that extra touch...just make sure it's not too much so you're not tired of it when low-volume becomes so 2013! haha

  14. Stunning projects all around! I really like the exploding star and the colors in that quilt top are gorgeous. :)

  15. Love your star...the blues and greens look awesome together.
