
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WIP Wednesday

I seem to be accumulating a lot of projects lately, so I thought it would be a good idea to organize them a bit. I seem to do WIP posts when I'm feeling a little scattered! 


I started this baby quilt for one of my cousins a couple of days ago. They aren't telling anyone what they are having, but the nursery is going to be yellow/grey so I thought this was safe. I know these are gender-neutral colors, but to me, grey and yellow says "It's a girl!". Maybe that is because I'm hoping she has a girl so I can send her Jill's clothes...

Basting, round 2. #finishit2013 
I started this quilt last spring, I think...I was in a sewing slump and trying to break out of it by pulling some fabrics for a simple baby quilt. Then the pile of squares sat around forever until I put this on my FAL list for this quarter. I just finished basting and I'm planning to attempt orange-peel quilting.

So far.

Here is what I have so far from the blocks I've received from my Always Bee Learning ladies, plus a few that I made yesterday. I am so excited to be able to keep this one for myself! I'm waiting to see if a couple of other blocks come in before I finish. I think I'll add one more row. Oh, and those scraps in the lower left are the beginnings of Wyatt's first improv quilt.

Basted, waiting for quilting:
Grey/yellow baby...choose binding
Patchwork baby...choose binding

Waiting to be basted:
 Max's quilt...find backing, choose binding
Baby Steps...choose binding

Tops in Progress:
Chicopee Herringbone

Geese in the Forest
Orbit QAL?
possible tutorial for Baby Steps?

Monthly Projects:
Lucky Stars BOM
Sugar Block Club
Woodland Sampler 


  1. Oh... I'm in love with the colors/prints in the 'Always bee..." quilt. Very striking!

  2. I am putting my block in the mail to you on Friday. Sorry it took so long. who knew buying your first house would be such a time consumer?!

  3. Yeah, see I'm the same way--I have lots of projects piling up, but I'm kind of ignoring them instead of getting organized...

    Love your gender-neutral baby quilt!

  4. I bought the geese in the forest pattern after seeing it on your blog! if you need some motivation we can do it together!

  5. love love love the learning bee blocks. So colourful and fun.

  6. Oh I'm loving it all too!! The spring quilt is gorgeous - how was that left languishing??

  7. Those Chicopee blocks are beautiful! Love the grey and yellow quilt too.

  8. Yellow and gray girl colors...I don't think so! LOL I think the opposite, all I see is boy! Everything looks great Toni!

  9. Well at least it's a pretty collection you have accumulating :oD

  10. You make the cutest baby quilts -- I love that yellow and grey one! :)

  11. ooo! Love seeing the ABL quilt coming together!

  12. Your baby quilt looks great! Now see, I think grey is more boyish in color, but it definitely depends on what you pair it with. Good luck with orange peel quilting! I am definitely excited to try out new FMQ techniques when my machine arrives. Love those Chicopee blocks! Everything you make is gorgeous!

  13. These are all gorgeous! The learning bee blocks look fantastic, I wasn't that bothered about Chicopee before but woah this looks fab!
