
Saturday, February 16, 2013


I'm finally getting around to showing you these quilts I made for our friends' sweet little baby girls. I think I finished them in early January! 

Baby Trip

The first quilt I made was inspired by this quilt by Jessica at Twin Fibers. I love simple patchwork and the Trip Around the World setting is a fun spin on that. I had a bit of a hard time choosing prints for this quilt. I knew that I wanted to use the aqua FMF print along with some coral and grey, but I went back and forth several times on the center two prints.
Baby Trip Around the World
I originally had a grey print in the center and a lighter coral for the first ring, but thought it needed something a little more bold, so I chose the dark FMF print and the coordinating yellow/pink one, and it looked so much better! I was a little worried about the brown print sticking out too much with the others, but I think it works.

I had originally started this quilt for another couple that was having a baby girl, but I was still loving this color palette so I decided to make another and give them to our friends that were having twins. I obviously don't have twins nor am I a twin, but for some reason I have strong feelings that twins should not have everything match. Coordination is good, matchy-matchy not so much.

Hourglass Baby
Let's just ignore those wrinkles, okay?
I love classic hourglass blocks, especially with these colors mixed against the crisp Kona Snow.


I added a few more prints in this quilt, then had a hard time choosing a binding, but once again, DS dots to the rescue! On a side note, do you start a quilt knowing what fabrics you will use, or do you figure it out as you go? I am definitely the latter which makes it a little more stressful adventurous. Especially since I am stubborn and almost always use what I already have rather than wait on shipping.

Baby Trip, backing

I backed both of these quilts with the AMH's Folksy Flannels. I just love how snuggly  and soft it is for little babies!

And with that, I can check another project off the old FAL. I really should have listed this as two, shouldn't I?

**Linking up with the lovely ladies at Quilt Story for Fabric Tuesday**


  1. Love,love,love the hourglass quilt! Great gifts, hey I was so happy to see you posting again! And yes, the teal scarf is a favorite for many! I have sold a ton of them already!

  2. They both look fab! I tend to choose the front fabrics well in advance and then realise I have no suitable back/quilting thread until the very last minute...

  3. They are gorgeous! I love the color scheme you used!

  4. Really sweet! And I like twinny things to 'coordinate' not 'match' too. I do not always know what fabric I'm going to use in a quilt - especially backing and binding. I'm more likely to order backing and use binding from my stash though. Depends on whether I want to piece a backing or not (I don't keep alot of large pieces on hand), who it's for, etc...

  5. These two quilt are both fab! I have twins and I so agree about coordinating not matchy matchy. These are perfect because it's impossible to say which is nicer :)

  6. Both are great. Matching, but not the same. Nice job Toni.

  7. Controversial, my girls would go mental if they got given different things!! Maybe because they are non-identical twins they need to make it obvious for all to see that they are 'the same'!

    Love your quilts though xxx

  8. So sweet, Toni! I love that they coordinate but aren't identical!

  9. These are so cheerful and fun! I do like how you coordinated fabric choices but made each special and unique. :) Beautiful finish!

  10. I love these two quilts, especially the trip around the world-ey one! And those folksy flannels are totally soft and awesome!

    I'm like you with the being too impatient to wait for shipping. You're just being thrifty! :D

  11. Yeah, that's two quilts, two finishes! I'm more of a work out the border and binding fabrics after the top is finished person. You get a better idea what looks good when the piecing is all done I reckon. I love a flannel back on as many quilts as possible!

  12. These twins are almost as beautiful as that singleton of yours! Stunning!

  13. Definitely 2 finishes! Love what you chose for center square - and loooove this color palette!

  14. Adorable!! Love the colors you chose!

  15. I thought I already commented on this quilt when I saw it on your blog, but I didn't! I just saw it on Fabric Tuesday and it really caught my eye! I love love love it! The fabrics are divine and I love the simple yet interesting layout. Gorgeous! Hope it gets picked for a feature!

  16. I love both of these. I love the colors, I love the coordination without matching, and the designs. Great job and who wouldn't love these for their sweet baby girls?

  17. Hourglass quilts are so pretty. It looks great with the white.

  18. Both quilts look amazing! I love the coordination :) I'm definitely a figure it out as I go type of person. It makes projects more exciting, plus if I choose all of my fabrics beforehand I end up second guessing myself.


  19. i love them both!! i think i need to make one of those with the hourglass shapes. every time i see one, i love it so much.
