
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Winter Canning

A few weeks ago, seemingly out of nowhere, I got the urge to can.
 This isn't really all that shocking, because I love to can but it isn't something I usually do this time of year. But given that I've been either massively pregnant or in the throes of morning sickness nearly every summer for the last several years, I haven't exercised my canning skills too much lately. 

So perhaps it was a good thing that I ordered an excessive amount of fruit from the high school FFA? I bought an acceptable amount of grapefruit and oranges, but somehow ended up with nearly a bushel of pears.  Now, we eat a lot of fruit here, but that's a lot of pears! 

So what do you do when life hands you an abundance of fruit? You make jam, that's what. 

Grapefruits are one of those things that I really look forward to every winter. I realize I can buy them any time of the year, but I like waiting until they are in season. Inspired by this post at Food in Jars, I set about making Grapefruit Jam. I thought marmalade would be fun, but more time consuming than I wanted right now.  This jam was simple, and was actually my first time making jam without added pectin. It turned out a little runny since I didn't really check the temperature, but I don't mind. It is delicious, and nearly perfect on a buttery English muffin. Wyatt and I have already gone through 2 jars.

My next adventure was Caramel Pear Butter, which I discovered via the Harvest Forum on Gardenweb. This recipe was fun to make, though I ended up stretching it out over two days. I find that happens a lot around here! But the results were worth it, and the kids like having a few more options for their PB&Js. 

About to label and put away this week's canning ventures- Grapefruit Jam and Caramel Pear Butter

 For now, my urge to can has been satisfied, though I am very much looking forward to doing a lot more this summer!

**And since this post is somewhat table-related, I'll be linking up with Debbie for Tuesdays at the Table**


  1. I haven't made my grapefruit tart yet, but I really want to taste your jam! Now I've got to go the store to buy some grapefruits!

  2. Yum!! This sounds so good! I might have to make some :)

  3. Your jars of grapefruit jam look so pretty! And I've never heard of caramel pear butter before, but it sounds yummy!

  4. oohhh those jars just look so gorgeous! I agree the caramel pear sounds divine!

  5. Both of those sounds really cool, and love the bright colours!

  6. It all looks great. I didn't get a chance to can this summer and was thinking of doing something similar to what you did. My parents usually send us oranges or grapefruits from Florida and I was thinking of marmalade. In the summer I usually can the fruit the same day I pick it. I know the oranges I am getting are fresh but I didn't know if I had to can them right away or could wait a day or two. I never know when they are coming and I don't get mail until the end of the day. How long would you wait before you canned them?

  7. You are talking bushels and things again!!
    Would love to be so proficient ;)

  8. Makes sense to do to when the weather is cooler (although the harvest is usually over by then) -- our summer day hit 105* yesterday, perfect weather for sitting under the air-con with a little hand crafting!

  9. Yum! That pear butter sounds Delish!

  10. Hi Toni! I have never heard of grapefruit jam but it sounds yummy. Both of my grandmothers were canners, and this post, esp the pics of your filled jars took me right back to their kitchens! :)

  11. I'd love to learn how to can. :) I should get in on the citrus season and make some lemon curd and marmalade. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pics too. I want to come have breakfast at your house!

  12. Totally table-related! Love the sound of Caramel & Pear together!

  13. Oh my goodness, both of those jams sound amazing! Where did you find the recipe for the Caramel Pear Butter? My kids would die over that!

  14. You little, squatty jars of jam are soooooo cute!!!

  15. Looks delicious! I always think of canning as a summer activity, but this has me reconsidering :)
