
Sunday, January 13, 2013


Well, I may very well be the last one to join the party as I'm cutting this a little close to the deadline! But I've wanted to link up to the Finish-Along for quite a while now, and haven't gotten to it yet.

This weekend I reorganized some of my fabric and scraps and found a few projects that I had forgotten about, so I thought it would be wise to list them here so I don't forget them again! So, here goes:

1. October dGS Quilt...This is kind of a freebie, since I'm already working on the binding. 

Flock of geese
Somehow I can't seem to find any other pictures right now. We'll have to fix that! 
2. Twin Baby Girl Quilts...Again, so so close.

Well it isn't scrappy, but I like it.

Twin B

3. Valentines Mini...
I had completely forgotten about this one until I ran across it in my organizing frenzy. I'm usually not very timely in holiday sewing, but I remember being so proud that I had this nearly finished before last Valentine's Day. But then I fell out of love (ha!) with it, and put it away. Really? I think all it needs is a bit of quilting and binding. Pretty sure I already have the binding made, too! And how appropriate that the only photo I have is from a WIP post from very nearly a year ago?

4. Red, Aqua, Yellow, Green Baby Patchwork... 
This one has been sewn into a few rows, but then I got busy with other projects and after putting it aside I seem to have forgotten it. I think it will make a fun gender-neutral baby quilt when it is finished. 

5. Stacked Squares Baby Quilt
I really don't even remember if I've shown this one before. I'm obviously not too excited about it. This block is from the Modern Blocks book and I thought it would make an interesting quilt. I think it would, but not with so much yellow! Seriously, that is just too much sunshine. Not sure how I will tackle this to tone it down, but there are so many prints in here that I love and I can't just let it go. 

6. Max's quilt
 Another simple patchwork. I believe that I have 7 out of 12 blocks pieced, so it should be a quick finish once I get back at it.

And there you have it, my hopeful list for the first quarter. I think there may actually be one or two others, but Jill really needs to go to bed and I'm not so sure I'll be awake much longer!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!


  1. Those are all so fun. I sure hope you get the valentines quilt done this year, it is wonderful. I am so glad you managed to join the FAL, I am looking forward to see how you do.

  2. Ha! I was just thinking about you last night. All gorgeous projects (as usual) so am looking forward to watching your progress. Really, really, really want to see those twin baby quilts finished. Love!!

  3. Wow that sounds like plenty! Looking good!

  4. Looking great! This looks very doable!

  5. Yea - so glad you linked up and I love your projects! I have some red fabrics and am thinking of a Valentine's make - wonder if I'll make it. Good luck Toni!

  6. Such lovely projects - which one are you tackling first?!

  7. I love all your projects -- they look so happy! Just-binding-left freebies are super fun. :D Good luck!

  8. These sound like some fun projects, Toni!
