
Monday, January 7, 2013

What's That They Say...

...about "keeping it real"?


This is how I got so much done this weekend. Complete chaos. My dining room table is turned sideways and moved to one end of the room so I could baste quilts. Random fabrics from about 6 projects scattered along the table. Crazy carpets from kids tunneling under them with their flashlights. 


3 quilts on a chair, finally basted. Kids' games scattered on the floor. Lame design wall decorated with selvage necklaces made by the kids. 


More crazy rugs. Random stuff left on the mantle so Max won't get it. Obviously a pointless exercise, what  with the chair there and all. And let's not forget the banner from a birthday celebrated a week ago. 

But that's my crazy life and I love it.

P.S. Don't be jealous of the wallpaper. 


  1. haha. Life IS. But you got your bee blocks done & quilts basted!! ;-)

  2. Now that is keeping it real! LOve it!

  3. Well played, friend. But I'll see your tunneled carpets and raise you 1000+ Legos scattered on the floor AND Christmas decorations still up...
    I say anything that lets me get to the sewing machine is completely acceptable:)

  4. Ha! Looks like my sewing space. Thanks for reminding us that we sew in real life, not all undistrubed in fabulous sewing studios!

  5. Doesn't look too bad considering the little ones running around. A messy desk is a sign of a busy mind :)

    The floors totally make up for the wallpaper. So pretty.

  6. That wallpaper is, err, delightful...

  7. Looks like a house where life is enjoyed

  8. Hee, I was noticing the wallpaper in every picture... :D

    I think your house still looks great! You still have tidy floors -- you should see the piles of toys scattered on mine. >_<

  9. Thanks for letting us share a small part of your life!

  10. Don't worry about the wallpaper - who chewed off the end of the skirting board!?

  11. Toni,

    I love it and looks like my house! My dinning room now is the quilt room and piano. Thanks for sharing!


  12. Toni! Long time no visit! I love the house, your wallpaper looks like the paper in my new sewing room...ha! Way to be real it.

  13. Looks like my house! Nice to see we're all the same. I actually don't hate the wallpaper.

  14. Tunneling under the rugs with flashlights sounds like great fun! We had our sleeper sofa out today as a fort!

    It reminds me of a refrigerator magnet my mom has that says, "dull women have immaculate houses." I claim that statement because I don't think our house is ever clean. :)

    Our Christmas decorations are still up too... A fort was way more fun than cleaning or packing. :)

    Thanks for reminding us that what we do, we do in real life. Anything to stay sane in the crazy world we live in!

  15. times like these I am thankful no one can see into my sewing room through the computer! I don't see mess, I see productive and fun! Tunneling under the carpets, how fun is that?!

  16. Oh yes! Over here the recycling direly needs to go out and someone need to take ownership of sorting through the piles of papers we always seem to be accumulating. ;) If we added kids to the mix that would bring it up a whole 'nother notch!

    P.S. Tunneling under rugs sounds like a blast! You have some creative boys. :)

  17. Oh I love it! My house gets thoroughly thrashed when I am on a sewing streak! And it's not just the room I'm sewing in. It's also all the other rooms due to my severe neglect, ha ha!

  18. I feel you. Totally. The bug man came to spray the house today and again I had forgotten he was coming. I started to apologize for the mess, but I realized it is so often the case that he won't believe me anymore when I give a reason for the mess. Apparently, we're just messy. ;)
