
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday

It has been a long time since I've done one of these posts. 
I'm usually pretty good at keeping my list of projects at a manageable, easy-to-track size but that is not currently the case. And I don't even think I have pictures of most of them, so this will be a dull post, mostly for my own sanity. Even if I did have pictures, they would be on my phone, which is currently in my bedroom playing white noise so Jill will stay asleep for a little longer. (OK, I just figured out how to link to some Instagram pics, but can't actually get them here...)

In Progress:
Hurricane Sandy Quilt~ I'm helping Jennifer make a quilt for her Hurricane Sandy Help group, using blocks sent from so many generous people from all over the world. Seriously, you guys are amazing! I've almost got 2/3 of the binding done. For some reason I thought I would hand-stitch the binding, so this is going much slower than anticipated. But I'll be shipping it on Saturday so one way or another it will be done by then. Hmm, my parents are coming on Friday...

Max's Quilt ~ While waiting for Sandy blocks to arrive I started on Max's quilt. I think I have 7 out of 12 blocks done, but they've been put away until after Christmas. 

dGS October quilt~I got my last blocks in on Friday and had to make a couple more. The top is done and looking fun! I just need to get some hooligan-free time to baste this baby and start quilting. Hopefully that will happen Friday evening after my parents arrive. 

Stockings!! Wasn't it one of my goals last year to make stockings for my kids? Obviously that didn't happen but it will this year. I've cut two and am waiting on more Essex to arrive, hoping that I'll have enough to at least make two more. 

Madi's gifts~ We have a sweet little 2-year old friend that loves her dolls. I am hoping to make her some doll diapers and a little diaper bag. I love these little girl sewing projects, such a fun change from all the boy stuff!  I've started cutting out the Buttercup Bag pattern from Rae, but I'm not sure if it will be the right size. I have issues with spatial reasoning apparently and can't judge these things until I've actually made them. 

In the Future:

Gift Bags~ I need to make some gift bags for teachers' gifts, probably using Jeni's pattern, or possibly some zippy pouches. Carson's "special day" is coming up at preschool, too,  and instead of the plastic treat bags everyone usually passes out, I would love to make re-usable ones. We'll see if that happens.
Baby Quilts~ I would love to make quilts for a few of our friends that are having babies in January. Three baby girl quilts should be a good New Year's project, right?
ABL blocks~ January is my month in Always Bee Learning, so I need to hurry up and finalize my plan and start cutting. We are supposed to choose blocks that expand our skills, but I'm having a hard time coming up with anything. Right now the plan is Chicopee triangles...

I know there are more things that need to be on the list, but I can't think of them right now.

This weekend is Max's 2nd birthday so we've got family coming to visit, a house that needs cleaned and partying to do! 


  1. It amazes me what you can get done! Look forward to seeing all of it :)

  2. Quite the list for sure, but lots of good stuff! Good luck!

  3. I like to make lists too - best of luck with your list of projects!

  4. Sounds like you are busy in every possible (nice) way!

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