
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!

I love early January, don't you? 
Fresh starts and all that jazz. So much enthusiasm for the year to come. 

I hadn't really meant to take a month off from this space, but I did and quite enjoyed it. Since my last post was a WIP Wednesday post, I thought it would be fun to look back and see what I actually accomplished these past few weeks.

Hurricane Sandy Quilt...finished, but alas, I didn't take any pictures before sending it to New Jersey. So here's one I stole from Jennifer:


Teacher gifts...checkity check.
Teacher gifts almost done. Two open wide zip pouches using excellent tutorial by @noodlehead531
I've also made progress on two baby quilts. I thought I would have a little more time for these, but the sweet girls came early. They are for twins, so I wanted them to be a bit coordinated, but not matchy. Did I pull it off?
Well it isn't scrappy, but I like it.
and two...

Other than that, I have spent a good bit of time practicing the art of cross-stitch. Who knew it was so addictive?

This is my project for car trips and the early morning hours when Max and I are the only ones up. My little man likes to be up by 5:00, so I get some quality stitching time most mornings. I started this on December 3rd and was really hoping to have it finished by the end of the month, but that didn't quite work out. 

And was anyone else inspired by this post to learn to knit? I have tried a few times but it never clicked. I'm hoping that this Continental style that Angela talked about is the one that works for me. It sounds like it will. I've even got the needles and yarn, just need some quiet time to watch the video. Hopefully. 


  1. oh great progress! Love your stitchery! Kind of wish I had done that, but I'll start with the Woodlands. I totally think you achieved your goal with the twin quilts and the pic of Jill is darling! (stockings too, haha)

  2. welcome back, & Happy New Year! you sure have been busy with a buch of great makes :) the baby quilts are so sweet - great job of coordinating while making each unique. i've tried to learn to knit several times also without sucess. Maybe I need to check out this method. I never even knew there was more than one way.

  3. Great twin quilts; super cross-stitch and the Sandy quilt turned out beautifully. Oh for the days when Bumbo-incarceration was an option!

  4. Welcome back! I've missed your posts, but good for you for taking a break. Awesome quilts you have made, love the stockings too!

  5. Those are great quilts! I agree you did an excellent job accomplishing your goal with the twin's quilts. I love cross-stitch, but haven't done it in so long! Those teacher gifts are super cute too!

    My sister-in-law took up knitting and seems to enjoy it. I can crochet and want to knit, but I haven't had the motivation to go out and buy the needles... Hopefully you will get some quiet time to watch the video! :)

  6. All gorgeous! Love those baby quilts and the stitching looks amazing!

  7. Look at you go Toni! Isn't it nice to take a blogging break? I took over 2 weeks off and it was lovely! Your twin girl quilts are adorable and coordinate very nicely :-) And I love your "sandy" quilt too!

  8. These look fabulous! Cross stitch is a wonderful project, so glad you're enjoying it!

  9. Happy New Year Toni! I really adore the quilts you made for the twin girls. I think they are perfect together without being matchy-matchy. I love your cross stitch too. I just joined the 2013 Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery pattern of the month club. This year is woodland themed. :)

  10. Great job on the quilts, and loving the wee cross stitch :o) I can't comment on the knitting though, I'm allergic to wool ;o)

  11. love the baby quilts!!! Nice with room for individuality!

  12. Very nice! Are you going to do the Woodland Sampler cross-stitch? I'm so tempted, but I haven't started the Christmas one yet.

  13. Oh my! You may have been absent from blogging but certainly not from stitching! Well done you!

  14. Hi Toni! Was wondering if everything was okay. You've been busy! I love cross stitch. I started when I was about 12 and have completed a couple of big designs, but since I began quilting about 10 years ago cross stitch has fallen by the wayside. It's just too slow for me now. I like a quick finish!

  15. Love your quilts and the embroidery is looking fantastic. I love knitting, its such a portable project. An knitting a gorgeous wrap at the moment

  16. Your quilts are lovely as always :) and I love your cross stitch. I started the dessert club last year but only got as far as March -oops - I think so I've still got plenty to catch up on there.

  17. I love the baby quilts and I think they compliment each other nicely! Also--I know you really want to learn to knit because your twin does...but I do knit english style and while I've tried continental, my Mama taught me with English and I'm more comfortable that way. I didn't watch Angela's video but I know I keep my phone and youtube handy when I knit so I can remember how to M1 or add a buttonhole or any other other abbreviations that I can't remember for whatever reason... ;)

  18. You did a great job with the coordinating-but-not-matchy baby quilts! And your cross-stitch is adorable! Did you get the pattern at the Kitschy Digitals end of the year sale? That's why I picked up cross-stitch again. :)

    Good luck with your knitting!

  19. Great perspective of the stockings! Jill looks like she is getting so big.

    I skipped over that cross stitch because I never even started their Dessert of the Month pattern. I did buy the 2013 one though and am bringing it to work to stitch on my dinner breaks. As I get caught up, I will be working on the desserts and will probably buy the countdown one as well. Are you doing the woodland one for this year?

    I think you should try knitting again. I knit and crochet English but want to learn Continental so I can do stranded colorwork with both hands. I would offer to teach you knitting but you know.. distance and all. :)

    Good to see you back. Hope your holiday was wonderful!

  20. Love those zippy pouches! Very cute
