
Monday, November 26, 2012

Bee Blocks

Having just read Debbie's latest bee block round-up post, I realized that I haven't shown my recent bee blocks. 

I was the quilter for the Imagine Circle of dGS in October, and chose to have everyone send flying geese blocks. I was inspired by this quilt from Ashley at Film in the Fridge, and asked for fall colors, similar to this bundle from Natalie at Greenleaf Goods. I'm still waiting for a few blocks to make their way to me, but I really like how this one is coming along.

Parisian Star
October was also Susan's month in our Modern Blocks bee and she chose the Parisian Star block, designed by Leanne Cohen. This was my first time working with the AMH voiles and I'm sure I don't have to tell you they are amazing! Paired with the osnaburg she sent for the background, Susan is going to have such an interesting mix of textures in her quilt. 

Marci's block
I showed you the beginnings of this block earlier, but here is the finished product. It was so fun and encouraging to tackle Y-seams in this block for Marci in Always Bee Learning.

Amanda is the quilter this month in our dGS circle and she chose improv square-in-square blocks using black, grey, teal, navy, and white. These were fun and quick to make.

Leanne's ABL blocks
Leanne sent everyone in Always Bee Learning two different fabrics and asked for improv asterisk, plus, or other symbol blocks. Another fun one to make, and that print from Chicopee is so pretty.
Know what else I love getting in the mail? Bee blocks.
November was my month in our Modern Blocks Bee, so I have had the pleasure of receiving many pretty blocks in my mailbox lately. The block I chose was Diamond Ripples by Lara Finlayson. I thought the block was interesting, but with 36 HSTs, it isn't one I would likely make into a quilt by myself. That makes it the perfect bee block, right? I will admit that when I chose this block I hadn't really envisioned it as a whole quilt, but I think it is going to be fabulous! Leanne even made a mosaic with her block to show how a quilt would look in a different layout than I have up there. Isn't it fun? 


  1. How many of those bees are you in? I love the bottom quilt layout, those are for sure my colors.

  2. Really cool blocks! Those geese are going to be gorgeous.

  3. Awesome blocks! Can't WAIT to see your quilt put together!

  4. I like the square in square block with the chevron print. Looks more complicated than it is because of that one print, I think!

  5. Love all the bee blocks and your Bee quilt is going to look fabulous!

  6. Absolutely LOVE the blocks you asked for! I sent mine out late so I haven't got any back yet...I am getting impatient. :(

  7. Some lovely blocks there. That Modern block is going to give you lots of fun as you play around with possible layouts!

  8. So much variety! :) Those flying geese are gorgeous and your quilt bee quilt is going to be amazing. I think it was the perfect choice of block.

  9. You have been a busy bee! They all look fab though, and looking forward to seeing the geese finished :o)

  10. Beautiful post full of gorgeous blocks but the little chubby hands just make it perfect.
