
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Weekend Update

Weekend Update was always one of my favorite parts of Saturday Night Live. Even when all the other sketches were kind of lame, Weekend Update usually came through with at least a little laugh or two.

So here's my update for the last week or so since I can't seem to be bothered by blogging daily anymore. T-ball has started once again and we had three practices this week. Apparently the coach is taking it a little more seriously than last year. Carson is also playing this year so it looks like we'll be spending a lot of time at the ballpark!

Other than T-ball, gardening, massive allergies, and Roger planting corn not a whole lot has gone on around these parts. But look what Wyatt brought me home from preschool for Mother's Day:

If you couldn't tell, that's me. A busty, wild haired version anyway. Here's a close-up of the answers to his questions about me...
 Hopefully they aren't too suspicious of my relationship with the neighbors...
Wyatt also cleared off their shaded play area in the back yard today and set up a Mother's Day party for me, complete with refreshments...carrots, wheat thins, and dried cherries.

He was so proud of setting up the tables and chairs and he even had a piece of plywood down for a dance floor! Funny guy.

I did manage to get a bit of sewing done this morning, a block for my Modern Blocks bee.

It is the Set Sail block designed by Susanne Woods. We were sent the fabrics for the sky and the sea and were to choose our own for the boat and sails. Every time I sat down to work on this block the Styx song "Come Sail Away" kept going through my head. Just a little annoying...

Alright peeps, I hope everyone that celebrates it had a grand Mother's Day today and a fabulous week ahead! Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with some pictures of the baby quilt I finished a few days ago!


  1. ROFL, it's always good to go all out for the neighbours ;o)

  2. Oh that's funny! Last year my daughter "guessed" I was 55. I was only 32...

  3. That made me laugh - too cute! I am happy you had such a great Mother's Day!

  4. Love the little portrait by your son! Just awesome. And good for you RE: bee block...I'm feeling swamped!

  5. I always had my kids fill out a thing like this for their Moms just because it's so funny! I'd be rolling listening to what my students said about their Moms and now I'm rolling when Emma and Oren bring home these forms about me. One year Emma said I weighed like 12 pounds...that's my girl. She knows to always under-guess! haha Think how special this memory will be when Wyatt's all grown up with kids of his own. :)
    p.s. You know I feel you on the t-ball front!! Oren had his last game Saturday and Em's got this week left...Good thing I love it because this year's schedule about left me run ragged!

  6. Ah man Toni! Now I have Come Sail Away stuck in my head! Thanks a lot :-)

  7. It looks like you guys had a great Mother's Day weekend. :) Your block is just awesome too! I have "Come Sail Away" now stuck in my head as well, except it's the version sung by Cartman (on South Park). Thanks Toni. ;)

  8. Awww, Wyatt's mothers' day party is so cute! Did you guys bustamove? :> His answers about you are too fabulous. :D

  9. Out of the mouths of babes!! Hilarious.
    Glad you had a lovely day x

  10. Oh, I'm with you on the t-ball! We have games at 8 am every Saturday and practice on Sunday afternoon. Oof.

    Hope you had a great Mother's Day! Love your ship block.

  11. Oh, I remember my kids doing that My mom....(fill in the blank) thing. I still laugh at their answers 20-plus years later!

  12. Great post - love your Weekend Update and I agree with your SNL assessment. Wyatt's project is super cute and his Mother's Day party....priceless! :) Your Set Sail looks so good! I'm going with a bunch of old AMH prints for the sail. Ooo I detest that song...yes very annoying.
