
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Random Thursday

I just had to revise the title of this post when I realized that it was in fact Thursday and not Friday. It seems that my posting has taken on a schedule that is more weekly update of randomness than anything else, really. So, what have I been up to this week? 

It seems that the cure for laziness is announcing it to the world, since after my declaration I don't think I have had a lazy day. I have cleaned all our bedrooms and done a large purge of clothing and toys, switched out everyone's winter wardrobe for summer, and gotten a bit of sewing done. 

After realizing my kids didn't have much in the way of summer pajamas, I made the older boys three pairs of pj  shorts each, and actually used my serger. I loved it! Though I am apparently a slow learner about some things...
You can't serge over pins quite like you can with your sewing machine. I wish I could say this was the first pin that went through the knife on my serger. I also would be lying if I said it were the last...

But thankfully when I checked the mail I found plenty to keep me distracted for the rest of the week.
That's right, all of this was crammed into our mailbox. We used to have a regular mailbox, but if something didn't fit, our mail person would always drive up to the house and lay on the horn until someone went out and took it out of her car. She also always came right at naptime and woke up the kids, so my husband decided to buy the biggest mailbox he could find in an attempt to solve that problem. It is comically large sitting next to our neighbor's. And what was inside these boxes?

Baby Girl fabric!! And several others, along with some awesome Folksy Flannels, all from Pink Castle Fabrics.   I also got the fabric I was waiting for to start a wedding quilt for a couple of my college friends who recently married. I'm using Jeni's Giant Vintage Star tutorial, and I would probably already be done with it, had I been better at choosing background fabrics. No pictures of that yet, but I did use part of the remaining FQs to make a gift for a high school friend who just had her first baby.

I was looking for something quick and easy to make, so after about 10 seconds on Pinterest, I saw this quilt by Maureen Cracknell and had a plan. Now to choose a backing and finish it up!

This afternoon was spent in the garden and now we're getting ready to meet some friends for dinner, so have a great night!


  1. I have mail envy! Love that stack of girl fabric, and that's a perfect baby quilt!

  2. Looove the fabric, and the story of the mailbox is hilarious! Mail lady can't get out of the car and bring big packages to your step??

    Did you use a pattern for the PJ shorts? I need to do the same for my boys but am a bit lost when it comes to garment sewing. Any tips?

  3. Ha, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I have the blade off on my machine ;o)

  4. haha, we used to have the same problem with the mail (really, why can't they just leave it on the porch instead of honking?) I was so happy when someone smashed our mailbox and I had the excuse I needed to replace it with a much bigger one

  5. I wondered about your post title earlier when I saw it (and didn't have time to read yet)...The fabric is wonderful as is the mailbox - go hubs! Hope you have fun tonight!

  6. I have the smallest mailbox in the world; the kind that is built into the wall, so it doesn't really hold much more than a couple letters. My maillady still insists on stuffing padded envelopes into it (say filled with fabric) just because she doesn't want to take a few extra steps and knock on the door. I love coming home to my ripped mail sticking out the sides of my mailbox (especially the portion that I can't open!). But enough about that! ;) I love the fabrics you ended up choosing for your baby girl! What a pretty bundle of oranges, pinks, and yellows. :)

  7. Go the nesting frenzy!!
    Hurray for Brenda and here parcels of joy!

  8. I never know what day it is - they all blend in to each other! Your mail lady sounds awful. Love your goodies - enjoy making!

  9. What a great post! You've been very productive and what fun to receive all that fabric in the mail - you must be tickled to be making something for your own baby girl. :)

  10. Well done on being so productive!! The baby quilt is adorable and the mail box made me laugh!!! It always used to annoy me that no one would phone all day until I'd just got the baby to go to sleep!! The bundle looks gorgeous :)

  11. Wowza! You have been crazy productive! And all of those boxes make me so giddy. Like I should hurry up and order boxes full of fabric too!

  12. Ooh, I'm amazed you found the tip of your pin! I broke a needle last week fmq-ing my quilt. I heard it bounce against the wall waaay behind me and didn't even attempt to look for it. >_<

    I love the fabric you bought for your baby's quilt! How exciting! :)

  13. You have had a very busy week indeed. It feels so good to get those big chores done (spring cleaning!). Anyhow, lovely little quilt, and the stack of fabric is so beautiful.

  14. Hmm, glad I don't have your mail lady! Although, I would take your mail! Lots of lovely fabric there
