
Monday, May 14, 2012

Baby E.'s Quilt

 I'm not really sure why, but I am very self-conscious about giving handmade gifts to most people. Only two of my friends that live around here have had kids yet and I made them both a few things, but for the most part I haven't made too many things for people that I actually "know" in real life. But for some reason when I found out not long ago that two of my good friends from high school were both having their first babies within a few weeks of each other I decided that I just needed to get over myself and make them something. The odd thing is that other than a few random facebook encounters, I have not talked to either one since we went away to our different colleges. So why not send their new babies some quilts, right?

I'm actually using the leftovers from another quilt that I'm working on but haven't shown yet. The front is just 9" squares and most of the fabrics are from the "Summer Salad" bundle that Natalie put together for Pink Castle Fabrics. I always love her fabric combinations so I knew this bundle would be fabulous. For the back I used Kona Eggplant and an AMH print, with Kona Cerise for the binding.

 I mentioned before that I was inspired by this quilt from Maureen Cracknell, so I added the baby's first initial onto a square of Essex linen. I also attempted a different binding method using one of the blanket stitches from my machine to sew it down.
I saw a tutorial for this method being pinned a few times on Pinterest, but I'm not exactly sure whose it was since I didn't ever re-pin or follow the link. I just sewed the binding down to the back, then brought it around and blanket stitched to the front. At first I wasn't really sure if I liked it, but I kept going and I'm glad I did. I think it adds a little fun to the simple patchwork.

Today I started working on the quilt for my second friend, who just had her baby girl a few days ago, so hopefully I'll have a little progress to show soon. You know, like next weekend at the rate I've been getting to this blogging thing lately...


  1. So sweet! I love the purple binding. When you first gave a peek of this quilt, I didn't realize it was so big! The baby will use this for years to come. Great gift.

  2. It looks great! I love the Kona you chose for the binding. So pretty against that yellow!

  3. I love it! And I agree on the giving handmade stuff...especially if it's for someone who doesnt sew. But I know I so cherish gifts that I know we're hand made, so I just try to remember that. I know your thoughtfulness will be appreciated by your friends!

  4. It looks very nice, Toni! Good for you!

  5. Getting in some girly practice - I likey x

  6. You are such a good friend! I am sure these will be well loved and appreciated. I am still so slow in my own quilt production that I have to give myself several months to even begin thinking about making one for friends or family (i.e. my brother's wedding quilt). ;) I tend to over-think it!

  7. I am the same way about giving handmade things to friends and family. This is very pretty!

  8. These are great - I too have that problem with giving handmade just outside of my immediate family.. never know how it will go over.. These are fabulous and those babies are lucky to bet getting them :)

  9. Oh it's stunning!! The back and binding are perfect and the front may be 'simple' but it's utterly gorgeous and the combinations are fantastic :) The perfect baby quilt!

  10. I'm the same way about giving gifts to friends! Your baby quilt looks lovely though, and cool idea for the binding

  11. What a cute little quilt! I really like the blanket stitch binding you did! :)

  12. Beautiful! I love the colors and the little "e"!

  13. Dittoing every one else - the quilt is super cute and the Blanket Stitch binding is awesome!

  14. Beautiful work!!! Love the 'e'!! You know, I am completely on the same page a you regarding handmade gifts for people.

  15. What a nice quilt! Like the 'e' lots. Shew, I know what you mean about giving people hand made gifts like quilts. I somehow find aprons and pot holders so much easier-maybe cuz they're much smaller? It's even worse if I know they've already been given or will be given another quilt for the same event. Sometimes I just have to tell myself over and over, it's okay, still finish it because it is awesome and they will love it. Even if they have someone else's too :)
