
Saturday, March 17, 2012

For the Love of Solids

I'm very excited to be able to say that my part in the FTLOS is complete. My partner received her package yesterday and I got mine in Thursday's mail, so now you get to see the goods!

The most fun part, what I received...
My partner was Ella from Throw A Wench in the Works. She did an amazing job despite me not commenting very much during the swap. Choosing to do these swaps during my early stages of pregnancy and our vacation was not the best idea. But she did so well in spite of my silence! Look at this awesome messenger bag:

Can you believe the piecing she did on this? She is a pro. There are several pockets inside that I couldn't really get good pictures of. She also made a cute zip pouch to go along with the bag, and stuffed it with scraps from the project. 

Not only that, but she sent a set of cute buttons, a pack of those new Frixion pens everyone has been raving about, a mini notebook, and a delicious looking chocolate bar. It is going to be hard to wait until Easter to eat that! She was so generous with all the extras she sent and of course I adore the sewn projects. Completely great swap! 

Since my partner received her package yesterday I'll refresh your memory a bit about what I made for her...
I was so happy when my partner, Shawn of Creative Inspiraciones said that she loved the color orange! The other colors she mentioned are some of my favorites, too, so it was easy to jump right into making her projects. I knew fairly early on that I would be making her a large bag and a zip pouch. The design on the bag was inspired by this quilt from Katy Jones who made it using the Firecracker pattern by Jaybird Quilts. I'm a little stubborn and like to figure things out on my own, so I didn't use the pattern and just started putting things together how I thought they should be. Thankfully it is a pretty easy design to figure out and I'm sure I'll be trying it again, though probably on a larger scale. I totally winged the zippered pouch, but I did use this template for the flying geese.

Overall, I had a great time with this swap and am very glad I joined this round. I'm not sure when the next round is but it's likely that I won't be able to join as I'll probably have a newborn and I would hate to subject my partner to even less commenting! But if you are looking to join a swap this is definitely a fun one!


  1. Your bag and pouch are truly lovely! Your partner is extremely lucky. Glad you enjoyed the swap!

  2. those are lovely! and where have i been? early stages of pregnancy... i totally missed that one!! congrats :)

  3. wow - a great swap all around! Yay Toni!

  4. What a score! It's fun that you got to make a bag and got a bad in return!

  5. Lovely goodies all round! Pregnancy is an acceptable reason for silence in my books!

  6. Great packages both ways there :o)

  7. wow, you both got lucky with your packages!

  8. Oh my goodness, they are BOTH amazing!!!!!

  9. Wow both of these are beautiful. I love the orange solids with those gorgeous greens.

  10. Love packages both and congrats on the pregnancy too, I hadn't realised! Exciting times :-)

  11. So fun! I love both what you got and what you made! orange is my favorite too -such a happy color!

  12. You did a wonderful job on your swap items - the bag and pouch look perfect and what a great package of goodies you received. Ok but the best part - you're pregnant! So sorry I've been out of the loop. Wonderful news! So very happy for everyone in the Hoosier Toni household. :)

  13. Both what you gave and received are awesome! I'm totally envious!
