
Friday, March 16, 2012

My Modern Muse

I'm being featured today at Annabella's beautiful blog, Life's Rich Pattern, where I am rambling a bit about what inspires me....

And this has nothing to do with anything, but I love this picture and wanted to share. I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. 'I didn't do it!! It wasn't me that broke it!' Or is he working out a sum in his head? Cute no matter what!!

  2. I love the picture! And, I just clicked over and read your interview, and it was great to hear about what inspires you-- a lot of what you said really resonated with me (which doesn't surprise me, as I love pretty much everything you make!), and I was so honored for the mention of my blog! It was such a lovely complement, and I feel the same way about your blog :)

  3. haha - love the pic! Some days I really miss the kids being littles!! I'll go check out the feature - good for you!!

  4. I read your great interview and I had to come back to tell you I DID make a John Deere quilt with the "ugly licensed John Deere fabric with the tractors all over it"! I had to laugh because I remember thinking while I was making it, "man this is ugly!!!!". Hahaha!

  5. Thanks so much for popping over to see me Toni - it was such a pleasure! Love the gorgeous big blue eyes!

  6. That's a 'I didn't do it" look for sure ;-) Off to check your interviw out!

  7. Congratulations on being a featured blogger.
