
Monday, March 19, 2012

Random Monday

So... I made a quilt this weekend. Okay, just the front and back, I haven't actually basted and quilted it yet. I have been in a bit of a quilting funk lately. Not sure why, but I just haven't really wanted to jump in and make one. For some reason I always feel like quilts need to be big and I just really don't think I have the patience for that right now.

I have also been completely indecisive on any type of color/fabric schemes so I've been hesitant to really cut into anything. But Saturday morning I decided the only way to get out of my funk was to just do something. So I decided to just get out my stack of DS prints from JoAnn's and start cutting. I used the same measurements as the green/yellow plus quilt I made for Roger, so I didn't even need to think too hard about that. Two 4.5" squares and one 4.5" by 12.5" rectangle of each fabric were cut and thrown on the design wall. I filled in some of the blank spots with a few of the more fun prints and away I went. I honestly didn't think I would like it that much, but it is really growing on me. I have never made a quilt with only fabric from one designer before and it was kind of hard. I kept opening the door to my fabric cabinet and looking for other prints to throw in there, but I decided to just keep it simple and stick with the Denyse Schmidt. It will be about 40" by 44" when I'm done, though I suppose it will shrink a bit in the wash, too. What do you think? Too busy?

In mostly unrelated but fun news, look what showed up in my mailbox...

The fabulous Erin from Billy Button Designs sent me this bundle of FQs for winning her recent giveaway. Erin and I have been blogging friends pretty much since the beginning of time. Well, last summer anyway. We were both one of the earliest followers on each others' blogs, so it was fun to help her celebrate surpassing 100 followers. And she must have know that I am in dire need of a new pincushion because she sent this cute Matryoshka doll along with the fabric. Thank you so much, Erin!


  1. Very nice. Add a wide-ish solid border if you want to calm it down....but I think it looks fine.

  2. oh my, your 1st paragraph is like I could have written it! Glad you jumped in anyway! I hope to tonight now that I have bee blocks done.
    And no, I don't think your quilt is too busy...imho. Personally, I'd just bind it up!
    Oh - and great win from Erin! Sweet.

  3. I like those plusses (does that word exist?)!
    Congrats on winning the fabric. I got one of those cute pin cushions from Erin, too. She is soooooo generous!

  4. Love it Toni - the DSQ prints do go well together and as Cindy says, you can add a border. It will be lovely for a baby quilt too:)

  5. I think it's sweet, Toni! And I get the funk--I bet you'll be feeling the quilting bug again in a few days.

  6. Your DS quilt is beautiful - I haven't dared cut my few pieces up yet!

  7. I love this quilt.

  8. I guess that is one way to get outta funk. You're not only one feeling it though! Hope it helped you! :)

  9. To Loud NEVER! I love love love it. I too seem to think all quilts meed to be queen or bigger but I get so bored with them that it takes years to get one done. But I have found doing a row x row is for me. I do one row from the owners specifications and then mail it off to wait for the next one. I don't get so bored this way and then when it is over I have my own top. Seems to be working for me.

  10. The plus quilt is great. I love it and don't think it's too busy. I like busy!!

    Nice FQ package you won there, and the pincushion is so cute!

  11. i like! and i've been feeling the same lately as well. i made myself start something today and it didn't go very well. but i at least felt better for starting ;)

  12. LOVE the DS plus quilt, it looks gorgeous! Surely that loveliness must help with the funk?! Don't worry it happens to everyone, it'll lift when it's good and ready. Sometimes smaller is better, and much easier to quilt :)
    Hope you're ok and congratulations on the lovely win!

  13. Loving the +s, hope the mojo comes running home again soon!

  14. I swear, we are on some kind of same quilting wave length or something. I just started cutting for a plus quilted pillow with some scraps I have. I've been wanting to do one of these for a while now. I love that pattern! I think your quilt looks great :). Sometimes it is just about jumping in and doing it anyway, isn't it?!

  15. I think your plus quilt has the very right fabric choices! Like you I make quilts mostly big so you have enough room to really cuddly under. But thinking of a kid it would be big enough.

  16. I really like your plus quilt a lot and I think it has the right amount of color and pattern (not busy at all). I think because so many of the DS prints are quite tiny they sometimes have that "snowstorm" effect where you can't quite focus on the pattern but you do get plenty of the color. I think that they really work well together in your quilt top. It looks great!

  17. I love it - not too busy at all!! Hope your funk soon disappears completely!

  18. I love the way the plus quilt is shaping up! Plus, I know what you mean about the sewing funk-- I definitely go through this at times. I'm not sure if it's because I'm inundated by inspiration or can't find the right inspiration, but sometimes I need to give my machine a break and wait to see what excites me again!

  19. No, I love your plus quilt! It is so darling. And I really like the DS stuff. I almost bought some today but I'm currently on a "diet" after this month's spree. Can't wait to see it all finished!
    p.s. Is the funk gone? I hate it when that happens.

  20. I'm slowly spreading my pin cushions around the world! LOL. Very satisfying when you get something finished for the weekend...even if it's only the top of the quilt. (that's a finish for me!)

  21. So glad you jumped in - your plus quilt is just beautiful!

  22. Ooooh, I like your plus quilt! Making quilts you don't have to agonize over in advance is super fun. And your new doll is really cute! :)

  23. You're right - a great way out of a funk is to do something!
