
Friday, February 3, 2012

Bee Blocks and an Observation

Do I get some kind of prize for having my bee blocks done by the second day of the month?

These blocks are for the Imagine circle of do. Good Stitches. Sarah chose the September Modern Block of the Month from Sew, Mama, Sew and we could use any colors we wanted, with a white background. Solids or prints, our choice. So of course I had to make a solid one first. This is not a paper-pieced block, though it could easily be made into one. But I wanted to try making it the way it was intended. I had a few issues with the first one, but in the end it actually turned out better than the second block.

Not bad, but I really shouldn't have used such an obvious directional print for the center triangle. Looks a bit wonky...

For my Modern Blocks bee, Alix requested the "Boxed In" block using Stitched in Color and Kona Medium Grey. 

This was such a quick block to make and I'm sure her quilt will look great once she gets all the blocks together.

And now for the observation...

You know how every time you go to the grocery store it seems like the manufacturers have decreased the size of their product but maintained the price, or sometimes even raised it a bit? Well, I buy All Free and Clear detergent as it is the only one that doesn't cause my kids' skin to go crazy. We like it. I buy it in a huge jug and have noticed the last few months that the size of the measuring cup has increased significantly. What a sneaky way to try to make you use more detergent! Am I the only one who thinks this? Seriously, if you were used to using the cup on the left and filling it just over halfway per load, then they go and throw you that big guy on the right, are you really going to pour in the same amount as before? Or would you think that isn't nearly enough and dump in a bit more? Ok, enough ranting. It obviously hasn't affected me enough to quit buying the stuff...

On a somewhat related note...Anyone make their own detergent? I tried it once but could not get it to work right with our crazy hard water. But now we have a water softener so I may try it again. Anyone?


  1. This is the site of a good friend of mine. I have two other friends who use this recipe in their high effeciency washers.

  2. I think you should get a prize - the blocks look great!

  3. Love the blocks, especially the solids one.

  4. I second Janine. Now you have 2 nominations for a prize - who`s going to give it to you? Lovely blocks and the same tin less product thing is highly irritating!

  5. love those blocks! i've been eyeing the boxed in one lately...

    we do our own detergents (and most of our other cleaning products as well). i posted recipes and such here

  6. I should think you do deserve a prize! Now we just need a magical prize-awarding committee...

    That does make me irritated! (the shrinking-item-but-growing-price and the sneakadoodle-embiggening-of-the-detergent-cup-thingoo) I'm glad my laundry machine has its own line thingy in the whatsit where you put in the detergent. I think I need brain food; I'm using an awful lot of nonwords.

  7. They try all sorts of tricks, don't they?

    The one I can think of now is cordial (I don't know what you call it - a concentrated drink to which water is added). They have made it even more concentrated so one only has to use a tiny amount (which is good) but kids will be kids and will make it the same as they always did and will become addicted to the sweeter version and mums will end up buying more!

  8. I love the blocks, and am jealous you are done for the month - I love getting mine done as early as possible , but have failed this month!

    As for the detergent making - I have visions of a house full of bubbles!!

  9. I've just delved into making my own laundry detergent recently. I followed the link in the first comment here and those are the same ingredients I use except that the recipe I used has you keep everything in its dry form. The bar soap get grated and mixed in with the other two dry ingredients. So far I think it works fine, at least I haven't noticed anything to tell me otherwise. I do put the mix right in the drum with the clothes though, I found when I put it in the little "drawer" dispenser thing, it wouldn't all go through. I only use about 1Tbsp per load.

    Good luck!!

    Oh, and the bee blocks look great!

  10. Hmph, think you should be steering clear of voodoo dolls whilst the rest of us curse you for being done so early in the month lol One of mine hasn't even sent anything out yet!

    I get my washing stuff in gel caplets, and they stay the same size...

  11. Hey! You got Alix's block done & I don't even have my fabric yet! hmmmm. Looks good though! Sorry, there's probably no way I'll be making my own detergent... ;-/ Good luck with a solution that works for you tho! Weird about the cap sizes!

  12. Lovely blocks! I hate that about product sizing. My ice cream containers keep shrinking and we all know how critical ice cream is!

  13. We use that brand of detergent and my husband just noticed & pointed out the exact same thing about the cup!

  14. I love your blocks! I buy a detergent made with tea tree oil, and it is gentle but effective. Please share if you find a good home made solution.

  15. You absolutely get a prize! Your blocks look great! And I have noticed that about the cup size too - we use that same detergent. It's so irritating - I mean, do they think we won't notice??? But in the end, I keep buying it too. Along a similar line, is when Target has their special price markdown, and you lift the tag, and the markdown is the same price as it regularly is. I never buy it if they do that!

  16. Toni,
    I like the triangle made with the print fabric. I don't see wonkiness. Ok the detergent thing - I would rather the company just raise the price and not act like we are stupid.

  17. Your blocks look great! I have been meaning to make my own detergent but always forget to buy the supplies. A friend of mine makes hers using Dr Bonner's as one of the ingredients but I forget what else she puts in.

    Let us know if you give it a try.
