
Monday, February 6, 2012

Another Installment Of..

Things I've been doing while procrastinating my swap projects...

I know that I have mentioned the flickr group Quilting for Kids before, but I wanted to show you the blocks we are working on for our fourth quilt. Anyone is welcome to join the group, just go and sign up to donate a block or two to help make quilts for kids in the foster care system, organized by Sarah of  So Sarah Sews.

This quilt is for a 16-year old girl, and Sarah chose any style asterisk blocks in colors of purple, grey, chartreuse/lime, and white. I think this is going to be a really fun quilt when she gets it together.

I'm not sure why I keep putting off my swap projects, especially since it seems that everyone else is nearly finished with theirs. I do have a plan for my For the Love of Solids partner, I just need to get started on it.

This is my initial stack of fabrics for the project. My partner's favorite colors are orange, yellow, and aqua. I'll be making her a bag, I just need to decide on a pattern. I was originally thinking it would be the Go Anywhere Bag, but I saw Amy Butler's Birdie Sling and now I can't decide. She wants a large bag, so while the Go Anywhere Bag looks fairly big, I think the Birdie Sling is larger. Anyone ever made that one? I also need to decide if I'm going to use Kona Coal or Essex Linen for the main portion. Decisions, decisions!

I've had many ideas for my Mouthy Stitches swap partner as well, but it seems like every time I look at the flickr pool, there are so many beautiful pouches being made that I rethink my plan. My partner is also super-talented, so that makes it even more intimidating! But this swap deadline is coming up, so I better get to work!

What do you do while procrastinating??


  1. i'm in the same boat for the mouthy stitches - i finally just posted my design to try and make it concrete in my mind and stop switching! haha good luck with both of the swaps and your asterisk blocks are great!

  2. Cute blocks! I love the fabrics you chose for the solids swap--brights with linen = yes!

  3. The asterisk blocks are super cute. And the fabric stack...mmmmmm.

  4. Love the asterisks! And I usually start a new project whilst procrastinating!

  5. Those asterisks are great -- I especially like the scattered mini ones!

    You've put together such a pretty color combination for your solids swap partner! I've never made the birdie sling, but I hear it's enormous. :>

  6. The blocks are gorgeous!
    I love the fabric choices, I'd go with the linen personally but either would be lovely.
    Any what to I do when procrastinating... doing it now... reading amazing blogs!! ;)

  7. I'm with you on For the Love of Solids! I ordered some fabri ...but that's about it! I'm not even sure what I'm going to make.

  8. You are super talented!! Get on with it :) xxx

  9. I'm sure my computer is my biggest time-waster ever! LOL

  10. I read blogs while I procrastinate ;o) j/k Love that pile of fabrics for the FTLOS swap, and I think both bags look similar in size, it's just that the AB bags usually require a lot more cutting and head scratching!

  11. I just finished my Mouthy Stitches pouch, and now I'm doubting what I made so it doesn't end when you're done :)
    I find myself looking at blogs and checking in on the Flickr swap groups and then hours have gone by when I could have been sewing. That's my procrastination. Oh and Pinterest - it is useful but evil.
    I love your fabric pull for the solids swap - go for it!

  12. I love the colors in your stack of solids, can't wait to see the finished product! And your blocks are super cute too.

  13. love your stack of solids they are so pretty! And you have no reason to be intimidated, you do amazing work :)

  14. Your solids stack is my favorite colors too! And I love the linen with it, but coal would look good too. As for see it. I read blogs, check pinterest, go running, anything other than do what I'm supposed to work on OR clean my sewing room, the two things I need to do most! ;)

  15. love that fabric stack - especially with the linen! I really need to get some of that to try! What a decision RE; the bags - they both are very cool!! And the best way I procrastinate is reading blogs, surfing flickr, fb, & pinterest. Need I say more?

  16. Procrastination is my middle name!
    I love the stack of fabric for your partner. I like both bags but do think the birdie sling is a bit bigger. I love Kona coal but I say go for the linen it looks great in the photo.
    I know you will make a great pouch for your Mouthy Stitches partner, can't wait to see it!

  17. I love the fabrics you picked for the FTLOS swap! I haven't seen the Amy Butler pattern before and must have it soon.

    When I'm procrastinating, I watch old movies and clean. But I'm not procrastinating on my swaps, I just haven't put my ideas to paper and posted much of anything.
