
Monday, January 30, 2012

Potholder Pass

The first flickr swap I joined this year (and my second ever) is called the Potholder Pass, organized by Amy of During Quiet Time. As the name suggests, the swap involves potholders, but this round you could sign up for Log Cabin potholders, Spring-themed potholders, or reusable grocery bags. I really wanted to join the grocery bag one, but decided that since I knew I would be joining at least one other swap and working on Wyatt's birthday that I should stick to potholders, so I joined the Log Cabin group.

When I got my partner assignment I was a bit worried at first because our color choices are totally opposite. Her favorites being pink/brown and navy/red and mine being, well, anything but those. I went with the navy and red and after going through my stash I realized I had a few of the Denyse Schmidt prints from JoAnn's that have some navy in them, so away I went...

I hope she doesn't mind a little aqua with her navy... Have you ever gotten some fabric out of your stash after it's been there a while and suddenly find yourself liking it much more than you originally had? See that binding print, that's also the first logs in the bottom potholder? I don't know what it is about it, but I really like it right now. I wasn't all that in love with it when I first got it, but bought it anyway since it went well with the others and was a smaller scale print. I even went back and got some more the other day. Crazy. 

This swap doesn't have a date that you have to wait until before you can mail, so I actually received my potholders on Saturday.

My partner was Jan, and she did an excellent job. These greens and yellows will look great in my kitchen. And she did such a neat job hand stitching the binding. I confess that mine doesn't look nearly as neat as hers. Apparently machine binding my last few quilts has left me a little rusty.

I just have to get mine in the mail tomorrow and I will be all done with this swap. One down, two to go...

And for the first time in quite a while, I believe I have a finish that I can link up for {Sew} Modern Monday and Fabric Tuesday!


  1. its tricky trying to make with colours that you don't normally use. You did a great job

  2. I always seem to get partners with opposing colour schemes - but you have done a great job!

  3. lookin' good! what a fun swap idea!

  4. Those turned out really cute! :o) Love all the fabrics you used from your stash too--esp. the one used for the centers. xo

  5. I love the ones you made, red n'all!

    Yours are great too, great swap x

  6. you did a great job with colors you don't like yourself- i love the center delicious panel!

  7. I think they're both great! It must be very tricky to make something up in colours you're not fond of yourself, I think you did a great job!

  8. These look great! I'm sure your partner will love them.

  9. Your potholders are cute! Aqua is always great... and I very much like the log cabin center prints. ;D

  10. Love the fussy cut centres you did on yours :o)

  11. I love the potholders you made! Especially the fussy cut words for the centers. You got a great pair too. Makes me think I should have joined in this round instead of waiting for the next one.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I second Katie on the fussy cut words! Your potholders have a really cute vintage flair to them. :)

  14. Cute potholders! That's one of the things I like about swapping - using colors you don't normally use.

  15. Very cute potholders Toni - love the fussy cut centres!!

  16. Love those potholders - the fussy cut center rectangle is awesome. :) Yea for the one's you received!
