
Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I've Been Up To..

Finally, a productive day! 

A little cleaning, a lot of laundry, and a bit of sewing. Up first...

Look at this fun stack of fabrics I got at JoAnn's yesterday:

Aunt Edna by Denyse Schmidt
There were a couple of other prints that I didn't get, but I have to say that I really love these. This warmer colorway is a little more "me" than the earlier lines. And it seems like the fabric is of a much more consistent quality than the last line. I did notice that the price has gone up another $3/yard, though these were all on sale. I've gotten a little stack of various DS for JoAnn's prints collected so I really think I need to start planning a quilt with them, don't you? Suggestions??

The instructions for our February blocks for do. Good Stitches was posted yesterday, so I thought I would get started on that today, too. We are making the September Modern Block of the Month from Sew, Mama, Sew. It is an interesting block involving triangles, so I was excited to give it a shot. I have to say that I was feeling pretty good about myself, until I got to this point...

Can you see how there is a good 3/4" variation from the top left to the bottom? Blerg. 

I also managed to finish widening all the strips on Wyatt's quilt so now all I need to do is sew the 5 of them together and get the chenille attached. Another accomplishment today...baking Susan's Lemon Cake, though there is no picture to show as I hacked into it as soon as it was cool. Delicious!

One thing that I didn't get done one of the "shift" keys on my computer that Max removed this morning. All of the kids have pried keys off my laptop at some point and I didn't have any trouble popping them back on, but this one just won't go. And it feels really weird to not be able to use it!

What did you accomplish today?


  1. Ooh, pretty fabric! I haven't seen any of the Aunt Edna line in person, but I like it. JoAnns has gotten pretty crazy with the prices. I guess they assume everyone will use a coupon.

    As for productivity...went to WalMart and then a 4-hr trip to the zoo. Not sure I'll move off the couch tonight.

  2. Ooo, pretty fabrics. I picked up some solids and some more batting today at JoAnns. I had some great coupons!

    I love the colors and shapes on you triangle block. Sorry to hear it's going a little wonky.

  3. Oh I am so jealous of the Denyse Schmidt - we get nothing here, and they don't mail internationally :(

    Is that a paper-pieced block? I would be worse than you!

    And today I manage to clear out my bank account (bit like spring cleaning before the next pay-cheque goes in!)x

  4. I like the DS fabric. Havent seen it at my JF store yet. Hopefully it is coming soon to our store. Thanks for heads up.

  5. I haven't seen the new DS at my joann's either. Considering I really HAVE an Aunt Edna, I'll need to get a little. I have quite the DS stack growing least using it on my Solstice stars.
    I ran out for some more spray baste & have been doing bills all afternoon + baking muffins for a potluck tomorrow. Bought ready to go to the sewing room!!

  6. That's an awesome fabric stack, Toni. I love the colours too. Unfortunately no Joanne's up here in Canada. :(

  7. i just got home from buying some of those same fabrics :) the quality of the fabric feels really good too. had a little sewing fail this morning. ugh ;(

  8. Love your fabrics! I failed to get much of anything done today. :/

  9. You've had a productive day! You know, my kids broke the "b" off of my laptop and I couldn't get the dern thing back on- I went for months without a b until my hubby was able to fix it for me!

  10. I drove down to my Mom and Dad's so Chris and Oren could go to the Monster Truck Show in Orlando. Mom and I took Emma for a pedicure as a special treat. Oh, and I started knitting a new cowl just for me. Of course, it's too warm for it right now, but I hear we're getting a cold front coming through, so...
    Love your new fabrics! I didn't see them on Weds at ours, but I didn't look that hard either...too busy looking at the knits for once!

  11. Drat! I just realized reading this that I didn't use my 30% off nearly everything card that expired today. I always look at the DS fabrics but never buy because I just don't feel the pull to them. Her use of color is great though.

    I hope you figure out the block. It looks pretty neat!

    I think I'm going to make that cake tomorrow. I love lemon.

    As for me.. well I worked on homework, or rather worked at school on projects. I coated some paper and basswood with cyanotype solution and did a lot of welding, steel cutting, and grinding. I'm pretty worn out after all that and am going to sew a bit before going to bed.

  12. love those fabrics, very summery. Keep going with the paper piecing!

  13. Yay for fun shopping, finishing Wyatt's quilt and that cake! Sorry your triangles went wonky :o/ Good luck with the shift key reattachment!

    I spent yesterday showing someone how to take better pics for her website and chatting (more chatting than photos to be honest lol) and redrawing, about 3 times, one of my bee blocks for the month. Think I've finally nailed the pattern I want, I just need to photocopy it and then get to work (it's another paper piecing)

  14. Lovely fabrics!! And I love the triangle strip - would starching and pressing encourage it to be straight?

  15. Don't you just trim the wonky bits off? :D

    You're so good to start your February blocks early!

  16. Although I'm sure you don't think it is funny, the thought of your kids popping off keys on your keyboard cracks me up! :) Love those DS prints - they look 1930ish to happy and springy.
