
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No-Progress Wednesday and a Check-In

That's right, with all the traveling and catching up I really have no progress to show for the week. I did get just a little more done on Wyatt's quilt, but not enough to even justify taking pictures...

So, lets check in on the old Winter Stitching list, organized this fall by Sarah at FairyFace Designs.

1. Pay-It-Forward gifts...I have three lovely ladies to stitch for and I can't wait to get started on these. It is just a little intimidating to sew for other people, especially super-talented ones who are fabulous stitchers themselves. I have no idea what to make, so I'm open to suggestions! Done, Done, and Done...

2. Quillows for the boys using Nova's tutorial...I want to make one for each of the boys, or at least the older two for now. Nearly every day, Carson sees me sewing something and asks if it is his blanket and proceeds to tell me what color blanket he wants. I made the quilt that is on his bed (Ok, part of it...) but I guess he needs another. And it is getting really hard to keep telling him no, so I think he'll be getting one pretty soon. Carson's is finished, given to him for his third birthday. Wyatt's is in-progress...His birthday is a week from today, so it should be done by then, though his will likely not be a quillow...

Carson's Quillow
Wyatt's in the blue strip is complete and the red is about 4" wider...

3. Quilt for Baby M....Some friends of ours are expecting their second baby, due on Christmas Day. Of course this little guy will need a quilt, I just need to plan a little. Done!!

4. Christmas stockings...My kids have never had stockings (bad mom!) so I'm determined to get them made this year. I started on some last year, but was 9 months pregnant and quickly lost interest once Max was born.  While looking through our decorations, I actually found some really horrible fleece stocking that I forgot I had made a few years ago, so technically they had stockings, though I would still love to make them some less embarrassing ones... Not sure if it will happen this winter or not...

5. Quilt for Baby G....Another couple that we are friends with are expecting their second child as well. I think she is due in February, but they aren't finding out the gender, so I may wait. Or not, and take up the challenge of the gender neutral quilt. No progress...

6. Hometown Quilt... no idea about a pattern, but I think I will use it to make a quilt for my sister-in-law. They are doing a massive remodeling job on their house and from the descriptions of it that I've heard from her, I think Hometown would go really well in their new living room. The quilt may not get done by Christmas, but it can still be a house re-warming gift I guess. I'm using the Road to Tennessee pattern and have a bit done on it, but am finding it rather annoying to work on. Not sure why since it is a simple pattern...I think it will look great once finished, though, so I'll keep chugging along.

7. My parents' quilt...Not sure about this one yet, either. Their 40th wedding anniversary is in June, so that deserves a quilt, don't you think? Possibly Swoon....Having a very hard time deciding on this one. My mom made a great quilt that is on their bed right now, and they aren't really the snuggle-up-on-the-couch-with-a-quilt kind of people, so I'm stumped. I guess I just need to make it and not worry so much about what she'll do with it...

8. Sewing Machine Cover...Pretty self-explanatory, really. I never remember to put the hard cover over it so my machine keeps getting dusty and sad, but I think if I had a pretty quilted one I just might take better care of it. Ummm, no progress here, either. Though I did list it as one of the possibilities for my partner to make in the For the Love of Solids Swap, I just need to post the measurements if I expect to get one...

So it looks like I'm roughly halfway there, but I need to add my three current swaps to the list, too. I plan to do my Potholder Pass work this weekend, then start my Mouthy Stitches pouch, and figure out what the heck to do for the Solids Swap...


  1. you DO have a list going there, Toni! Hope you can tackle it a bit more this week - Love the quilts you are making your sons!

  2. You've made a lot of progress on the list! I'd like to make some stockings for my mother-in-law for next Christmas. She has some of the sad Walgreens variety with stickers for everyone's names. I know she'd like new ones, but I think she'd need...10. Maybe I can make her a few this year and a few more next year...

  3. Wowza, what a list!! It's good once in a while to check-in and look back.

    I was thinking of you yesterday, haven't seen you around the blog world this week but now I remember that you'd been traveling.

    Time to get re-acquainted with your machine. :)

  4. You've made good progress! Those are a bunch of big projects that are checked off or nearly so... so yay for your winter list! :)

  5. I love your 241 bags Toni! And I am sure your parents will love whatever you make them!!

  6. Loving the 241 bags. So pretty in sherbet colours!

  7. Good going! Good luck with the rest of the list!

  8. You're getting there, and it's still only halfway through the winter, so plenty of time :o)

  9. You've made some great progress on this list! Glad I'm not the only one still in the thinking phase of swaps. I'm planning on tackling some ideas tomorrow and posting to get feedback.

  10. Great progress Toni and I am thrilled to be the happy owner of one of your bags, which I use every day to bring my lunch to work :-) Thanks for linking up x
