
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol 13

Well kids, this is likely going to be a pretty boring WIP Wednesday from me. 
It seems that I can either have a (relatively) clean house, clean clothes, and well-fed family OR I can get some sewing done. We've eaten well this week and our dresser drawers are full, so it's safe to say not much has happened in the old sewing room!


My Dead Simple quilt is complete! For more details, check out Monday's post.

Hold the phone! What is this? A second finish??

Stellar photography aside, I crocheted an ear-warmer kind of thing the other day while riding around running errands with my husband and kids. Very simple pattern, yet I'm quite sure this will get more use than that larger cowl I made last month. 

In Progress:

I've been doing a little work on my Pay-it-Forward gifts, but have nothing I can show, since I would like them to be a surprise. Exciting, huh?

Frame purse....I have a pattern now, but that's about as far as I've gotten on this one, too.

No Progress:

My Christmas Tree Pants are still un-quilted, sitting in the same spot they were this time last week. I'm hoping to get to work on them Thursday, as Roger has the day off work and I may be able to get a little child-free time.

And there you have it....

Be sure to visit Freshly Pieced to see what other people have been working on this week, and
congratulations to Lee on 52 weeks of WIP Wednesdays!!


  1. Oh, to be able to whip something like ear warmers off while running errands, AMAZING!

  2. Your fantastic DS quilt makes up for whatever else you haven't gotten done! I agree with Pat, though - very fun!

  3. Your dead simple quilt looks anything but. :)


  4. I like your Christmas Tree Pants. That looked like such a fun QA. :)
    I agree with Mary, your dead simple looks like it was not. It is beautiful!

  5. I love the colors in your dead simple quilt and in your Christmas tree pants, they're fun! I love the ear warmers too, I keep saying I need to take up knitting or crocheting so I can make things like that. I could use one of those for when I go running!

  6. My relationship with my vacuum fell apart when I started blogging. Funny, I don't miss him. Lovely quilts.

  7. Awesome as usual. I just love your tree pants every time I see it, even if there hasn't been any progress!

  8. I do love that dead simple quilt!

  9. oh crap, thanks for reminding me about pay-it-forward haha have 2 more gifts to do! greg work this week though!

  10. I love the ear warmer! I usually bring something in the car to do if I'm going to be a passenger and we are going a bit of a distance.

  11. Ooh, awesome job on your earwarmers! I can totally see how you'll use those all the time. :)

  12. Boring WIPs are ok once in a while :) Love that Dead Simple Quilt!

  13. I know the feeling... I always opt for the quilting and hope the kids can clean themselves ;)Nah, seriously I admire you for getting so much done with kids around. I really wanted to start quilting when they were younger but gave up since It seemed I could never finish anything. Now at age 8 and 10 it's a total different ballgame.

    Love your dead simple quilt...

  14. The dead simple quilt looks wonderful! And haven't we all been there with the whole household vs. quilting debate...

  15. I Love the stars on white background, what is that fabric, so cute! You have two great finishes, be proud! I wish you well on all that you have left to do as well.

  16. Oh I love your Christmas Tree Pants, and yes hopefully you get some child free time soon! I need some too!

  17. I'm glad you clarified what that 2nd finish was, it looked rather odd from that angle! ;o)

  18. Your tree pants, look great, I love that you chose different fabrics for each star (I did too).

  19. Hmm...yep, the house is definitely messier when I'm being productive with the sewing machine!

  20. Love your xmas tree pants! Mine are still in the wanting to make phase, so your well ahead of me!

  21. Love that tree skirt you're working on, Toni, so pretty!! And your Dead Simple quilt looks awesome, too :)

  22. Your Dead Simple quilt is very striking!

  23. Your dead simple quilt is great and yippie for crochet on the go!!

  24. I love the colours of your dead simple quilt, will check out seeds

  25. I love those crocheted ear warmers...and they really work too!
    I should have thought about getting a few made up for my etsy store. So many things to make and just not near enough time to get them all done.

  26. That is not boring thats a great finish!

  27. I so agree about a clean house, or progress on sewing. That's exactly how things run in my house. It usually swings dramatically back and forth!

  28. Your DS quilt turned out wonderfully.

  29. The Dead Simple quilt is gorgeous! And I love the stars quilt too. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  30. I came across your quilt on Flickr and now again on your blog..I took a good long look at it, which is why I recognised it here...very nice work.

  31. Fun pants! I love your dead simple quilt - so graphic.

  32. You know I still love your pants. :)
