
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Interesting Things

Just a quick note this morning to share a few fun things I've seen lately in case anyone else wants to get in on the action...
I know everyone is busy with holiday sewing and general end-of-the-year craziness, but if you are looking for a couple simple swaps, here you go:

Lindsay of Lindsay Sews and Craft Buds is organizing a Holiday Ornament Swap, and has even broken it down into categories of "Simple" and "Fancy" so you can commit to swapping the type of ornament that fits your taste/time commitment. She has some seriously cute mosaics on her site. I never buy Christmas ornaments, so I am totally in for this. And honestly, some of the "Simple" ornaments are the ones that I like the most, and she estimates 30 minutes for constructing a simple ornament. Sounds do-able, right? 

If you need some inspiration or help with your holiday crafting, check out Echinops & Aster's Holiday How-to Series. Jenelle is sharing tutorials for Holiday crafting over the next few weeks and even has a giveaway going on right now. Look at the super cute ornament pattern she shared during Week 1:

And finally, Rachael at Imagine Gnats shared this fun swap with me...The ladies of Crafterhours are hosting a second round of their Spoonflower I-Spy charm swap. I vaguely remember seeing this the first time around and being totally jealous that I hadn't been a part of it. Not anymore...Remember those I-Spy placemats I've been wanting to make? Let me refresh your memory...

So there you go...A few things to think about on this beautiful Tuesday. 
Have a great day!


  1. Those are awesome. I'm loving felt ornaments this year-so much that I'm keeping the ones I made for the craft show for myself! Can't wait to see what you make.

  2. Love all the ornaments - looking forward to seeing what you make!

  3. Great fun - thanks for sharing, Toni!

  4. Glad you are joining us! I think this will be fun... and low-stress! Just what we all need during the holidays. :)

  5. I actually gasped out loud when I saw those *adorable* mushroom ornaments. I'm going to make them!

    I also followed you to the Spoonflower swap (hopefully I made it in time). :)

  6. Oooh, oooh, I'm in the Spoonflower swap too! Although I may be drummed out shortly if I can't get a 2nd pick to work lol

  7. Those Christmas ornaments are so cute - thanks for sharing!

  8. such cute little mushrooms and love all these little snippets to look at! thanks so much for sharing them!

  9. I signed up for the ornament swap. Thanks for the tip!
