
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Talk to Me

A little input, please. 

Tell me what you think of these fabric combinations. If you like them or hate them...If they make you smile or make you want to vomit. Just let me know, OK? I can take it. 

So what do you think?


  1. I like the combinations- I think they are all fun colors and patterns. What are you making??

  2. Hi Toni, I`ll speak to you.

    In order of love (with first one loved most), 4, 5,3,2, the fabrics with the linen...if being really honest - not loving so much 1 and 2. Does that help?

  3. Going with the number system like Annabella... I like 3 and 4 the most... then 2, 1 and 5 is my least favorite. No specific reason, just my color preference. I think they all work well individually..

  4. Are you making something from just three fabrics? They all work for me!

  5. Call me easy to please, but I love every single combination you have there. :)

  6. I like them all, except for #2. However, the grey/citron combination is very popular now. I just don't much like it....too sad.

  7. I like them all. The last one is my favorite. I think the second one could use a little something else. Maybe an aqua print?

  8. I'll listify:

    1. Not so much, but I'm not a big fall color person.
    2. Pretty! Makes me think of kitchens.
    3. I like it, but I probably would end up failing to use the larger print in a non-wallpapery way. I bet you can make it work, though!
    4. I likey very much!
    5. Pretty! Makes me think of sherbert.

  9. While I don't hate any of them, the last two are by far my favourites :)

  10. Well I like each set separately, however as a whole set, not so much - 1 I don't think goes with the others at all. After that 2 & 3 and 4 & 5 go well together in pairs, but could go all together.

  11. Oh I love number 4; 1 & 5 are also pretty cool, I don't dislike the others at all, but they aren't 'doing it' for me tonight!

  12. I think the only one I don't like is the middle one - the two fabrics seem too busy together. Maybe if you added a neutral solid, and didn't have the two patterns together, it'd be better. I really love numbers 2, 4, and 5!

  13. 2 is my fav, then 1, 4, 3, & 5. I might like 5 better in person, though, cuz I do love those fabrics!

  14. I also like #2 the best. I might be inclined to put the two oranges in #'s 4 and 5 together and see if that worked.. but I also like #4 as it is, too. Is this for the PAL or are you making something else?

  15. I love them all...that said, here's a little more of my opinion just for you...I love 1 & 2. I like 3, but I'm not sure if the solid brown is a little too dark/strong for the two prints. I am in love with the fabrics in 4 & 5, but I'm not sure if 4's fabrics aren't a little too close in value to each other.

  16. Not a fan of brown so wont comment on first 70s style combo. That said i like 3 but not with thw blue/olive fabric on top. ;) no2 i like but is yellow a bit too bright? Try swapping w yellow from no4.... 5 doesnt seem like a natural fit but i love the fabrics and will be interested to see how you make them work. You have very different ideas to me of which ones go together! I need challenging!

  17. I think all your combinations work but do prefer the last two, there's something about orange colours that I love.

  18. I think that 1 needs more than just three fabrics to work. 2 - nice combo and 3 - that is a really drab brown, now I am a fan of brown but it is a tough color. Sometimes too red or too green. The beige is weak too and I don't care for the bold pink. Why not try a combo of 5-6 fabrics together from your selection?

  19. Hi there, I like 1, 2 and 4 and I have passed on the Liebster Award to you today on my blog. : )


  20. Love the last 2 the best and I don't care for #1 at all....maybe because you have 2 solids. Whatever you are making will be nice I'm sure.

  21. My fave is #4, though I also like #1. Also, I've found that once I ask people their opinion and get a million different answers I find myself agreeing or disagreeing with their choices, which helps me narrow it down. What are you planning to make? I love the fabric choice stage-- I often have way more fabric pulled for a project than I need!

  22. I like the purple and gold together (reminds me of my college days). The yellow and gray look nice, too.

  23. I really really love the 4th, just adore it! Then next equally nice are 3, and 5, then 2. But number 1 really doesn't do it for at all me sorry!

  24. My favourites are 2, 4 and 5. If I had to pick one it would be 4. There's just something a little bit meh about 1, I can't put my finger on why though. Can't wait to see what you make!

  25. I'll just be different and say that my faves are 2 and 3... then 5. Definitely not a fan of 1. 4 is so-so to me. So, what ya doin? ;)

  26. I like them all, but I think the bottom two are the best.

  27. I like them all but I think that the yellow/gold on the bottom in #1 needs to go. THe other two are so pretty it just doesn't add much.

    What are you making?

  28. #4 is my favourite - what are you making?!

  29. WOW! well you already got a lot of input...but I will still give you my favorites! lol I LOVE 4 the best, then 5, 2, 3, 1.

    Yes we need to know what you are making!!!

  30. I love number 2 the most. The others are nice and I would say number 5 is my second favorite.

  31. They are all nice and they all 'work'. I like that you have a solid in every batch. The last 2 are my favorite cause they're on the warmer side and I love pink and yellow (also drawn to orange lately).

  32. Hmmm... the only one that doesn't feel right to me is the 3rd one down. What are they for?

  33. Really love 3 and 4. The top fabric in the first one I've used in my Dead Simple quilt and you've inspired me to try and finish it!

  34. So much input and so many different opinions already! I just wanted to let you know that my favorite combo is number 1!

  35. I scrolled down in order not to read any comments so I could give you my unbiased input. #'s 4&5 are my favorites by far, with the other three a close second. I'm drawn to #1 because of the AMH print although the gold you picked might be too gold? The brown in #3 might be just a tad too dark. Can't wait to see what you do with all of these wonderful combinations. :)

  36. Ooh love them all ! Groovy choices - if we are allowed to say that anymore - probably embarrassing the kids - oh well !
