
Friday, November 4, 2011

FMQ Friday...The Guts Edition

Back again for Cindy's FMQ Friday. Let me begin by apologizing to all my fellow FMQers out there for voting for such an annoying pattern! I thought the name "Stomach Lining" was funny but didn't really expect Cindy to agree to it! Here's how it should look:

And here's reality:

Yikes. I have a problem with fluid motions and maneuvering my fabric around in a circle while still moving it up/down to make the pattern. My stomach lining is full of ulcers. Nasty, bloody ulcers.

On my second attempt, I tried to be a little less tight with my design, and felt like it was looking a little better. I still found that I had moments of "oh crap, where do I go?" but could not just stop sewing long enough to figure it out! See over there on the left side, where I crossed over my line and got all crazy? That's what I'm talking about. I couldn't just slow down and think ahead, I just plowed on through and made a mess. 

 After that downer, I decided to try something fun and simple, like a star....

Nailed it. 
(This is about the time I'm wishing there was a special font for sarcasm...)

Ugh. A whole smorgasbord of awful.

Since I seem to be better at the more linear patterns rather than curves, I'm hoping that next week's Pine Needles are a little more forgiving! 


  1. I think it looks fine. I had to keep stopping to figure out were I was in the design. Not sure I will ever use it on a quilt.

  2. I think it looks great! I haven't had time to sit down and practice this one yet. I almost suggested it too, do you're not alone. I think it looks flower-like so it may be one I want to get down.

  3. I think your stomache lining is looking good - it reminds me of a dandelion flower :) and yes, I think a special sarcasm font would be great hahaha!

  4. I think they look pretty darn good. Stand back from it and it's pretty rad. The star would look hella cool with a variegated thread.

    I thought the insides of stomachs were smooth and the poop chute was the one that was more ridged. I guess poop chute wasn't as appealing name...

  5. I think you're doing amazing! Good for you for trying all those patterns! wow

  6. Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, they look great! Practice, practice, practice. Believe me, it does get easier after a while! Are you using gloves? I find it easier to move the fabric around with gloves on. I adore FMQ!

  7. It looks OK - if you don't look at the 'proper one' you'd think that is how it's meant to be!! I suffer from the 'keep sewing, don't stop, forgetting you can stop' phenomena too!

  8. Horrible? Not at all! Bravo to you for trying all those patterns and being so methodical. I think your "practice" work looks great Toni!

  9. I honestly think you did pretty good!

  10. At least you tried. I have to catch up on two. Love your Dead Simple Quilt...fantastic and so neat.

  11. Yes all you girls posting how it should look are shooting yourselves in the foot - don't go there!

    Yours look great and with practice will be even better! Be a bit kinder to yourself!

  12. I first read your post without being able to see the photos (my internet connection) - when I finally got the photos they were not as bad as I had imagined after what you had written!

    Keep it up, Toni; you are doing really well.

  13. Aww, it doesn't look that bad, really! I mean who says your stomach lining should go in a circle?

  14. I think you're being too hard on looks good, really it does!

  15. I think it looks ok, perhaps more of a brain than a stomach, but none the worse for that!

  16. you are doing fine - mine is much more ulcer-y ;)

  17. Dont they say its all about practice? Your 2nd tries are always so much better. That means practice does help ;-)

  18. I think you're being too hard on yourself. You're doing a great job :)

  19. Great post - title and all! I think the whole smorgasbord is very impressive. :)

  20. I had the same panic everynow and then - goodness! What amd I doing!?!? Yours looks great. Don't be too down on yourself. We will all improve with practice :)
    I saw a star on Leah's site - am scared to death of it. Want to put it on the to-do list? hee hee!

  21. It takes guts to be a free motion quilter :) This looks fantastic!
