
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol 12

Well, it was a busy week with soccer games both Saturday and Sunday, plus the Halloween festivities, but I did manage a bit of sewing. Just a bit, though!


I finished four stockings for Lyanna's Stockings for Kids campaign. Don't be too impressed, 3 of them were already started, so only the fourth one was a completely new project. The first three are not quilted, but the pink one is. I'm not sure that I'm in love with the wavy line quilting. Maybe if I had put the lines closer together, but as they are I'm not too sure. Hopefully they won't get rejected!

I finished the first block of the 12 Days of Christmas Sampler QAL. My first attempt at paper piecing, and I love it! Looks a little rough, but I don't care!

In progress:

I finished the top for my Dead Simple quilt, and am taking a break from quilting it to write this post. It is actually going to be a wall hanging. I kept going back and forth between loving it and wishing I had done something else. I had it up on my design wall over the weekend, but was so busy that I really never went into my sewing room. Monday morning I opened the door and saw it and realized that I really do like it.

 I have the Christmas Tree "Pants" backed and basted. Mostly just waiting to get some more white thread to quilt it. I plan to quilt it pretty densely and maybe add a little hand quilting around the stars. That's the plan anyway. We'll see if it actually gets done.

No Progress:

I'm supposed to be taking part in a Pouch-A-Long with Rebecca Lynne right now, but I haven't even started yet! A group of us are tackling the frame pouch together. I have all my supplies, but haven't gotten much past that. I have my little frame and graph paper next to me right now to draw up my template, so I have no excuse!

I'm linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday, so hop over there and see what everyone else is working on, too!


  1. Cute stockings! I have them on my ToSew list!

  2. I love those stars, Toni. You're making me want to drop my projects and start making some star blocks...right now :)

  3. Seriously, Toni, is there anything you can't do? You always amaze me. Love it all!

  4. I love that little Santa in his truck!

  5. Santa in the truck block is super cute and has made me giggle everytime I've seen it. :) Diggin the Tree Pants!

  6. you're a rock star! i've got stockings for that same project on my to-do list :)

  7. so much cuteness here! santa is just adorable!

  8. ok, it's the DS quilt top I am over the moon about - I realllly like it!! I think it's perfect for an 'all about the palette' project! Excited to see your 'tree pants' quilted up too! You are doing amazing work!

  9. Love the tree pants! Surprised the boys haven't laid claim to those stockings!

  10. That Santa is so cute! Love the aqua truck. The colors of the dead simple quilt are awesome, I have a thing for gray right now! And no, I highly doubt the stockings will be rejected!!!

  11. I just love that center project, the one with the solids. It's awesome!! Also the tree pants, of course. Adorable. I think I'm going to do something similar with stars for a table topper for my kitchen table.

  12. I love that Dead Simple quilt top! It's gorgeous!

  13. Toni the Christmas block rocks! I wanted to do the sampler but now am not sure....all that paper piecing and I'm not sure I have the best fabrics. Maybe have to revisit. The PAL will be there whenever you are ready!!

  14. I adore the DS quilt top!! It looks amazing :)

  15. It's funny, I do the same thing with my quilts...can't decide whether or not I like them! Usually like you it just takes a little time. Yours are all lovely!

  16. Your dead simple quilt makes a really striking wall hanging! I like it! :)

  17. I love your DSQ! Hadn't realised the Santa in his truck was part of a QAL - off to investigate!

  18. The stockings are cute, I'm sure they'll be loved wherever they end up. Love the santa block too :o)

  19. I really like that block from the 12 Days of Christmas Sampler QAL. You seem to achieve so much with your busy life.

  20. Hi Toni, great WIPs! I love your dead simple quilt color scheme too!

  21. Hey miss bossy pants, you can't tell ME not to be impressed! haha, seriously though, awesome job on the stockings. And I LOVE what you did with the DS QAL - that's one of my favorite modern, simple blocks, you made it yours :)

  22. You are amazing! When do you sleep??? I considered today a pretty good day and all I did was cut some stuff out... Great job, Toni.

  23. What cute stockings! Good luck on the Pouch-Along!

  24. Your truck looks great!

    Oh dear, I haven't blogged it yet, but I'm obsessed with purse frames! They are so super quick & easy, I love them!

  25. Love love LOVE your Christmas Quilt and your Dead Simple Quilt! You're wicked talented Toni :-)
