
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fun Mail and the E.R.

Hmm, which should we talk about first?

I had to take one of my kids to the Emergency Room for the first time Thursday evening. With three boys, I am quite certain it won't be the last time, though. He is fine, just a little sore and swollen. I did however, learn that they won't put stitches in your mouth unless the cut is all the way through your lip. Good to know for the next time it happens, I guess! 

Wyatt was running through the house pushing a dump truck when he tripped and hit his face on the floor, leaving a pretty good gash in his top lip and a small one on the bottom. If that weren't bad enough, he got stung by a wasp Wednesday afternoon on the bridge of his nose. It really didn't swell too much until he got up from his nap on Thursday, but by that evening his eye was nearly swollen closed. So imagine the fun we had explaining to every person who saw us at the hospital that we really weren't there for his eye, could you please take a look in his mouth?!? I didn't take any pictures of him, but have you seen the Goonies? Just imagine a 4-year old Sloth...Poor kid had a rough week!

Now for the fun part! Look at all the fun things that came in the mail...

The crazy-talented Natalie from Greenleaf Goods had a giveaway for a Kona Color Card that she received at the Sewing Summit, and I was the lucky winner. This thing is so fun to look at, and I'm sure will be used all the time! 

And look at the fun package from Happy Zombie, Monica Solorio-Snow! I won the Week 3 giveaway during the Christmas Tree Pants Sew-Along she did for Sew, Mama, Sew. She sent a book and magazine in which she has featured patterns and a little bundle of her Holiday Happy fabric for Lecien.

Isn't it cute?
The final package to arrive this week:
I'm so excited to look through this book and start planning! I've barely glanced through it so far, but I've seen several interesting blocks I think I'd like to try.

Hope all of you have a safe hospital-free weekend!


  1. Aww, poor little Sloth! I'm sure he'll be fine soon :o) When I was 5, my mum taught me how to clean out my own cuts and put plasters on - I'm not sure if she thought this might make me learn not to fall over, or if she figured it would be good to know in the future lol Still, I was injury self-sufficient after that!

    I also go that book this week, and some other goodies arrived today as well, love the look of your happy mail too :o)

  2. If it's your first ER visit, you're doing pretty good. Hoping it won't be a regular occurrence like it was for me. I hope your little guy is feeling better, it sounds like he's in for several very uncomfortable days.

    The mailman has been delivering wonderful goodies to you this week! I also recently won a Kona color card. Love it (and almost took it on vacation with me). I'm very much looking forward to the Modern Blocks book too.

  3. Funny, this is the second blog post I've seen this week about how a lip doesn't get stitches unless you can see light through the cut (GROSS). I'm very sorry for the children (both boy children, but of course) and the parents who had to learn this on my behalf this week, but glad to know this little bit of knowledge for the future. I suspect it will come up sometime in the next couple of years. As I also have a boy child whose preferred mode of transportation is manic running.

  4. Wow - so sorry about the ER! That's never fun! Hope your little guy is doing better! And wow - you are such a winner - congrats on the loot! And I know you'll love the new book. Very cool.

  5. Poor kid, hope he recovers soon! Love your all the post you got - the fabric looks wonderful!!

  6. Aw, I hope he is feeling better soon. Lucky you with all your fabulous packages in the post

  7. I saw your name pop up on a few giveaways lately! Lucky! I love those little Santa gnomes.

    Glad your little guy is ok. No fun!

  8. Wow! Ups and downs, eh?

    I hope Wyatt gets better soon.

    Enjoy all your goodies!

  9. I looks like mail men all over the world made a lot of people happy this week (me too ;-)
    Hope the little guy will fell better soon!

  10. oh no! hope your little guy is feeling better soon, and you recover too! We've been to the ER/in surgery a few times too, it can be so nerve wracking. the Modern Blocks book looks fun :)

  11. ooo that sounds very sore, hope he's feeling a bit better and more like himself rather than sloth now.

    Your postie has been very nice to you I must say. I really, reeally want to get a copy of the Modern Blocks book looks great!

  12. poor little guy! and yay for awesome mail deliveries!!

  13. Sloth! Haven't seen Goonies for ages. Your poor little guy. :( Such fun things you received in the mail - Holiday Happy fabric! I love my Kona Card as I use it all the time because I'm so color challenged. :)

  14. Poor Wyatt!
    I love your prizes and I have the book too - not enough hours in the day!

  15. Poor baby! That has to be the scariest thing as a mom. One of my customers has a horribly accident prone son. The ER nurses knew them on a first name basis.

    You should send some of that luck my way!

  16. Oh no...not what you want! I have that book on my list to buy. Is it good? Kona Cards are VERY DANGEROUS to have in the house.

  17. Lovely mail!! Poor kid, hope he's feeling better! I hate the ER, I've taken my two kids a few times but thankfully it's never been serious. My son actually fell and cut his lip, he tore the bit inside that connects your gums to the front of your mouth - ouch!! Too little for stitches so it just bled quite badly but they are so good at healing and he's fine now!!! Boys eh?!

  18. Poor kiddie! I hope you made it out of the ER quickly!

  19. How did I miss this post??? You know I have one boy and one girl. Both have had stitches, but had you called me, I could have told you that they don't stitch inside the mouth, because both of mine have needed it. Oren actually did bite all the way through the lip, but they said over the phone if it was a clean cut, to just let it heal. Also, if they fall at a young age and ram their chin very hard, teeth can go back up into the gums for a day or so before falling back out. Yes, luckily for us, I am very calm in an emergency. Which I would not have guessed, but seem to have had much practice at. I also know that 2-yr-old can't break their nose because it's still mostly cartilage... ;)

    I swear, I do watch my kids...they just play hard I guess... Glad your little one wasn't hurt worse. Hope he's fully on the mend by now and that you had all of that great loot to cheer you up!
