
Friday, October 7, 2011

Don't Hate Me Because I'm...

Were you expecting me to say beautiful? Haha, no. Was that off a commercial or something? 

Anyway...I have been so lucky the past few weeks and have had my little name drawn three times in various giveaways.  How fun! I am completely not a lucky person, but for some reason the stars really aligned this month!

Remember my post about the random things I've made for my kitchen and linked up to the Blogger's Dinner Party? Well, the prize for that month was a Hexagon Sewing Kit from Sew Sara and it arrived in my mailbox just the other day.

How fun is that? 50 hexagon templates and squares all cut and ready to go. Now I just have to figure out what to do with them!

Then, imagine my surprise when I got an email from Kate telling me that I had won one of the prizes for the first link-up for 100 Quilts for Kids. Seriously? My fellow Hoosier, Debra of Easily Distracted Debra donated a fabulous prize....

Munki Munki pajamas...


And Heather Ross's book Weekend Sewing. I'm so excited to look through the book and start making something! Well, it will probably have to wait a while, but I can still look. Has anyone of you made something from this book?

And I'm seriously not trying to rub it in here, but yesterday I found out that I was one of the winners in  Svetlana's giveaway over at Sotak Handmade. I won a super cool shoulder bag made by Svetlana. Have you seen the amazing stuff she makes? I feel like I am always pinning or favorite-ing her pictures.

Ok, so enough about that. Since good things supposedly come in threes, I guess my luck is probably done for the next 30 or so years. 

Here are some other fun giveaways you can still enter:

Susan, the History Quilter is giving away a $50 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop to celebrate the friendships made through the online quilting community and reaching 50 (now 54) followers. 

Rebecca of Making Rebecca Lynne is also celebrating her followers (72!!) by giving away a super-cute handmade frame pouch and some lovely fabrics.

Allegory of {Sew} Allegorical is having her very first giveaway of a fat quarter bundle of Wickedly Wonderful Halloween fabrics.

Lynne of Lily's Quilts is hosting a giveaway extravaganza called Christmas Gifts for Quilters, celebrating all those things we would love to get from our loved ones for Christmas. Her theory being that anyone wondering what to get you can just poke the button from her blog and find out. Or, you can win it from one of her giveaways. Isn't she an evil genius??


  1. That's funny that you're done with winning for the next 30 years. I hope not, but you HAVE been lucky lately!! Good for you - enjoy all your loot! ;-)

  2. I have Weekend Sewing but have yet to make anything from it. Lots of cute projects though. Congrats on all the luck!

  3. Love quilting/crafting books.. can't have enough. :) And those are just about the cutest pj's ever. And hexies too, how lucky are YOU?! :) Plus a shoulder bag? Is your next stop Vegas? lol Congrats.

  4. Can I just pop over and rub your head for luck? There's a couple of Go Babies still out there that I'm hoping for... ;o)

    Have fun with your loot!

  5. What a great collection of winnings well done :) thanks for the heads up on the other giveaways.

  6. Congrats on your winning. I too have been lucky with giveaways since I've started blogging. I love the PJs. I have the book too but haven't sewn anything from there. I do like the kimono dress though.

  7. Congratulations!!! Isn't it funny, I wrote a post the other day because I won three things too :) Yeah, I think that will be it for a while!!

  8. Holy smokes! That's awesome!
    I've made the pj pants from Weekend Sewing. Make sure you check the Flickr group for corrections before starting any of the patterns.

  9. Congrats on your wins! What are you going to make with those cute elephants?

    Thanks for all the links, I found several more blogs to follow and be inspired by!

  10. I love being lucky - and you have been really really lucky! xx

  11. Wooohoooo! I'm back and with a bang! Lucky is not the word....How many have you won? Maybe now that I can comment I will be able to go into these giveaways.

  12. So if it's 3 and out, then you're out for mine, right? haha...we'll see on Monday. Maybe you'll get lucky again! I WANT that Heather Ross book but have never got around to ordering it. And those PJs are too cute!

  13. Cool prizes Toni - love those elephant PJ's!

  14. congrats toni! now you are winning everything! i love those munki munki elephant pjs- that is what i am most jealous of! share some projects from the book, please! i want to know if it needs to go on my birthday list!

  15. Congrats! What wonderful prizes. Those elephant PJs are lovely.

  16. Congratulations on your luck - I hope it continues!
