
Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Very Good Day

I don't know what kind of cosmic forces aligned themselves, but today was a great day. Good kids, long naps, and a very productive mama!

Wyatt was such a great helper this morning. He was apparently in cleaning mode, because as I was feeding Max his breakfast and eating my own, Wyatt was cleaning the high chair and then moved onto the bookshelves. Later he helped me clean the bathroom and carried laundry to the laundry room. Our back room/laundry room has gotten very messy lately with shoes everywhere, ball gloves and other toys strewn about, and the grass clippings...the bane of my existence...grass clippings dragged in while still damp with dew and consequently glued to everything. So that room got a major cleaning as well. Several loads of laundry done AND put away. (That never happens on the same day...) And you guys, that was all before lunch!! Insanity!

On to the sewing..while the boys were sleeping I finally got done with a quilted dishmat that I have been slowly working on for, oh, about two months now. After that finish, the momentum was high so I decided to tackle the Kaleidoscope.

This isn't the definite layout, I was just kinda throwing them up on the wall at this point. I am really liking how this looks so far though. I decided to go ahead and put one block together to make sure I wasn't going to completely wreck it. The block went together much faster than I expected it to. I'm not saying I expect this to be a quick project, but I think if I can get some uninterrupted time with my machine, I can probably knock out a pretty good chunk of it.

I know it isn't perfect, but it is really so much better than I expected. I am getting pretty excited about how this quilt is going to turn out. Hopefully this one wasn't just beginner's luck!

And just to show you an example of the crazy stuff that goes on around here...The older boys were out playing and Wyatt came in to tell me that Carson needed help with his shoe. I asked why and he said that they were playing tag and Wyatt might have knocked him down and his shoe came off. So I told Wyatt to go help Carson get his shoe back on and keep playing. About ten minutes later, Carson shows up at the door, with his shoe completely stuck around his ankle. I couldn't get it to budge, so I set him up on the counter and tried running water over it, thinking maybe it would help slide off.
No luck. His poor toes were starting to swell, so I asked if it would be OK if I just cut it off. I really thought he would get upset, but he told me to get a knife. I got scissors instead. I hated to do it because I love these shoes, but there was no other way.
RIP, frog shoe. RIP.

This guy seems to be taking it well.


  1. Oh dear, the "fun" never ceases with children, does it?

    Wyatt was a good help to you indeed. All in all, a very productive day!

    I'm glad you decided to go ahead with the Kaleidoscope - what you have done looks great!

  2. Poor froggie shoe! Glad you were able to get it off!
    Your kaleidoscope looks great! Love the background fabric you chose.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful. Love the colors.

    Little boys are the best! (I know, I had three of my own). Savor each silly minute.

  4. hahaha. Gotta love 'em!
    btw, LOVE your kaleidoscope! You're going to be glad you started one!!

  5. I think the brown background of your kaleidoscope make your bright colors really pop out, the color combination will make a stunning quilt!
