
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol. 2

I was actually very productive this week...finished one quilt, made progress on another, and started a third.

First, the finish:

The strip quilt is done! More details are here.

In progress:

I finished the back of the green/yellow plus quilt for my husband. Now to just get it together and pick out a binding. Hopefully this will be finished in the next week, but more than likely not. Good thing our anniversary isn't until September.

Just getting started:

I started cutting the fabrics for a Kaleidoscope quilt. I'm not sure yet if this was the best idea. I have all the prints cut and over half of the solids. I plan on making the larger size, possibly as a gift for my best friend, whose birthday is sometime in September. (Isn't that awful? We both know about when the other's birthday is, but we never get it right. I think it's the 16th. Or the 20th) But, her anniversary is in October, so I could always fall back on that date if I don't get it done.

Anyway, not sure if I have the necessary skills for this baby. I'm not known for my accuracy in cutting, and I'm guessing that is pretty important here. So I may get frustrated and throw it in a drawer. But, I absolutely love the fabrics. Mostly Heirloom, with a Grand Bazaar, and possibly a Lace Elements. I actually didn't use the Modern Meadow that is shown in the first picture. Even if I give up on the quilt I will definitely make something else with these fabrics, possibly a table runner for our dining room. 

And now for the question of the day...I'm narrowing down our options for a little trip in a few weeks and am trying to choose between Wisconsin or Michigan, or going south to Alabama/Florida. Any opinions? I'm stumped. 

After you play travel guide, head over to Freshly Pieced and check out the other lovely WIPs.


  1. Toni,

    Thanks for visiting makingrebeccalynne! I L-O-V-E that green/yellow quilt. To die for. Bright but still masculine. What a great idea making a quilt for your anniversary! Mine is in September as well...hmmm...maybe another project? Hahahahaa...

    Thanks again!

  2. The fabrics you have chosen for the kaleidoscope quilt look fabulous. I hope you are soon able to choose whether to go ahead and give yourself the peace of having made the right decision.

  3. I'd check out the national weather service and see which destination has the coolest temperatures. Parts of the south are having a record breaking heatwave.

    Your quilts are lovely.

  4. I love the back of your plus quilt! That's going to look awesome.

    I had some trouble getting all of the kaleidoscope points to match up, but once it was all put together, I didn't even notice. So if yours are less than perfect, don't get discouraged! There are lots of helpful tips in the Flickr group too. (And your quilt is going to look fantastic with those fabrics regardless!)

    As for your vacation...well, I live in Alabama, and it's been miserably hot. If I were going on vacation, I'd be heading north, unless you plan on parking yourself close to a body of water for the whole trip (which wouldn't be bad at all!).

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! I have no advice for a kalaidescope quilt, since I started and abandoned that one pretty quickly. And go north! You can visit the South during the colder months too :)

  6. The back of your husband's quilt is lovely. My first thought when I saw it was that your boys could use that to play cars. (or tractors. :)

    My advice for the kaliedoscope is to take it at your own pace and enjoy!

  7. Congratulations on your finished quilt! Isn't that a great feeling? It looks just gorgeous. I love those colors.

    I thought about taking on the Kaleidoscope quilt, but I chickened out. :P I can't wait to see how yours comes out. Love the fabrics you picked.

    Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful week.

  8. I really like the colors you've chosen for your Kaleidoscope. I hope you're able to stick with it, it'll be gorgeous when you're done!

  9. Your hubby is one lucky guy! The colors are so yummy...I'm dying to do something in that palate as well. Gorgeous job...

  10. love the backing to your husband's quilt- just the right amount of color to grey!

  11. Love the binding on your strip quilt! Your plus quilt is gorgeous, too.

  12. The plus quilt is lovely and the kaleidoscope will be great in those fabrics.

  13. All your projects look beautiful! Hang in there with the Kaleidoscope, it really isn't that hard, and I wasn't that accurate at all, and it turned out just fine! I think ya'll should go to Alabama/Florida, but I am a southerner, so I am biased! LOL
