
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Have You SeenThis??

Just a quick post this morning to share something I found last night. Have you seen this?
It is the International Quilt Study Center & Museum website where you can see thousands of quilts and find their origins, date made, materials used, etc. There is a neat slideshow feature under the "Quilt Explorer" tab in the "Collections" sidebar where you can scroll through pictures of quilts. It is so cool! 

You can even create your own "collection" of quilt sets, and search the database by date, pattern, fabrics, region and other keywords. So interesting!

Here are just a couple that I found:

Blazing Star

Dutchman's Reel

Flying Geese
 All images courtesy of the International Quilt Study Center & Museum.

There are loads of other interesting things on this website, so I have much more exploring to do. You can also sign up for a "Quilt of the Month" where each month they email you a picture and information about a historic quilt.

 So, if you have some free time one of these days, you may want to go check it out!