
Monday, October 7, 2013

The Results: FAL Q3

Well, looking back on my goals for this quarter it appears that I was moderately successful. 3 out of 8 isn't too bad, right? And the fourth is sooo close to being finished that I very nearly included it, too. I'm pretty sure that if one of my kids brought home a test with only 3/8 right I wouldn't be so quick to call it a success! But, I also started and finished several projects that weren't on the list so I can be too hard on myself. Here's the rundown:

Road to TN, top complete

1. Hometown Road to Tennessee: No progress. I really thought that this would be the first one crossed off the list since the top was already done, but no. I still haven't chosen a backing for it. I think I'll probably wait and quilt this one next time I go to my parents' house, so maybe I can check it off after the holidays!

2. Stacked Squares: No progress, and still no picture. Just imagine a shockingly yellow and pink baby quilt with highly inaccurate flying geese. 


3. Diamond Ripples: What's this? Another no progress? That's just sad.

Les Amis on rail

4. Les Amis: Finally, a finish! Want to know the really fun part? This was my first (ahem, and only...) sale in my Etsy shop. Such a fun little quilt!

Modern D9P

5. Mod D9P: Another finish! You can read all about it right here.


6. Scrappy Log Cabins: Nope, no progress here either. Though they did inspire another baby quilt that I finished at least a month ago and haven't shown here yet. That should count for something, right?

Taller help has arrived! #modernmaples #fallingformodernmaples

7. Modern Maples: Of course I finished this one! And it is hanging in my dining room as we speak, looking all festive. I love it!

So, so close to being done! Just a few more stitches on that wreath...#kawaiiwinterwonderland

8. Winter Wonderland Sampler: This is the one that is so, so close to being done. I worked on this one the whole trip to and from Iowa, and most evenings while we were there. I really only have probably 20 stitches left, but didn't even take it out until this morning to take the picture!

So there you go...Thank you so much to Leanne for the motivation to finish these projects! To see what everyone else finished last quarter, here's the link. I'm looking forward to a few more finished in the fourth quarter! 


  1. Well, let's focus on the finished projects, okay?? They're great, and the other ones will come along when you get to them. No worries!

  2. You did better than me, I only managed one finish! Love all if yours

  3. That to-do list is slippery, isn't it?! I always add more than I can check off. I love love love your maple quilt -the fabric selection is perfect! All of the projects are so pretty :)

  4. Good for you Toni! At least we're having fun : )

  5. Beautiful finishes, and so many lovely projects for Q4.

  6. Great projects Toni - love the stitched sampler!

  7. 3/8 lovelies!! You know I love your Maples!1 And next quarter is bound to be a good one!

  8. I always think whole quilt finishes should count as double points, I've loaded up the next quarter's list with cushions ;o)

  9. Your finishes are all fantastic! And so are all of your unfinished projects! Love your winter sampler! And the colour palette for your scrappy logs is gorgeous!

  10. One finish a month is great! Anything more is just showing off.

  11. I still love your Hometown Road quilt top! gogo your etsy shop -- all your quilts there are cool, and I don't know why the Waterfront Park one hasn't sold yet. That one's awesome!
