
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

WIP Wednesday

I'm hoping that with school back in session I might actually be able to keep my days straight and get back on a normal schedule. Maybe? 

It seems like in the last week or so I have started a few new projects, so I thought a WIP post was called for to get a little organization going. 

I made this little quilt top on Sunday, mostly just because I needed a change from my other projects. This block is called "Vintage",  and is another fun one from Simply Retro. I really liked making these blocks and will definitely be making another quilt from them. Unfortunately, I sewed the blocks together backwards twice and after taking it apart, those bias edges got just a little wavy. Not a big problem, but next time I'll pay more attention!

Solid Stars 
I've recently become obsessed by solids again and had an overwhelming urge to make this design. I should have planned a little better as I ran out of the last two colors before I was done and had to wait a few days to finish it. Patience is not a virtue I possess when interrupted! I also had such a hard time taking pictures that accurately showed these colors. Carson ended up taking this one this morning and it is closest in terms of color, so try to ignore the random deck clutter, ok?

Modern Maples top done

My Modern Maples top is finished, and I'm about halfway done with the quilting.  I'm doing random "organic" straight lines in a variegated thread. I'm honestly still undecided about it, but I think I'll like it once more of it is finished.

24" Folded Star

I also made this the other day. See? Totally random projects. I really don't know what I'm going to do with it. It is in the same color scheme as my Lucky Stars in case I wanted to combine them, but I'm not sure that I do. I'm also pretty sure I still have April-August to catch up on with my Lucky Stars BOM, so I should probably work on that, huh?

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Love the maple leaf quilt! Gorgeous!!!

  2. That last block is stunning! Beautiful colours. And I love your Modern Maples quilt top.

  3. What variety! How do you choose what to work on next? The last block is really lovely, but really -- it all looks great. :)

  4. Such gorgeous projects!! I adore the modern maples!

  5. All beautiful projects Toni. I love the solids star project, and the block in the last photo is stunning. You'll figure out what to do with it all!!

  6. Lovely projects! I really DO like the maples - hope you eventually do too! Love the big star too!

  7. Wow, you have been busy! I think my favourite is the star in star in star in...

  8. All are great projects but that solid stars quilt is too much! WOW!!! Love it. And when did the boys start school?? The kids start on Monday. HALLELUJAH!!

  9. A post full of beautiful colour. I sure love your modern maples quilt, you have made me think more about this pattern and of course I love that solid star one too.

  10. All truly gorgeous, Toni! I love that Vintage pattern. I need to check out that book!

  11. Wowee! All of those are superdeeduper pretty! You're so good at combining fabric in quilt blocks to make them coordinated and poppy. I jealous!

  12. Gorgeous projects. Do you have a link for the maple leaf block Toni?
