
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Max's Quilt and Q2 FAL Update

I remember writing the post detailing my plans for the 2nd quarter of the Finish-A-Long, and remarking that July seemed so far off. Well, it's here even if our weather doesn't seem like it! We have had so much rain lately, and today I think our high is only supposed to be about 75. A drastic change from last summer with no rain to be found and record highs! You'll not hear me complaining though.

So, how did I fare this quarter? I had seven projects on my list and am pleased to report that I finished four of them! I think that I had commented to several people that if I had finished two I would be happy, so four is fabulous! 

Max's quilt

1. Max's Quilt: One of the quilts that I finished was for Max, though I haven't taken any real pictures of it. It is simple patchwork of green and yellow squares to match his brothers' quilts. I added a few orange fabrics into Max's and I think it kind of gives it more of a 70's vibe than what I was really going for. I backed it in a simple blue flat sheet. Super easy backing, especially since my kids won't use flat sheets on their beds. Weirdos.

Herringbone, on rail

2. Chicopee Herringbone: I'm so pleased with this finish, thanks to the help of my Always Bee Learning friends. I seriously use this quilt almost every day and don't let my kids use it!

Constellations, full frontal

3. Constellations, Baby: I believe that when I made my list, all I had left to finish on this one was the binding, so this was probably the easiest finish! Still looking for a home for this one, but I do love seeing it all folded up in my cabinet.

Imagine Circle, April 2013

4. Imagination, Squared: Another fun finish for the Imagine Circle of dGS, I shipped this beauty off to Threading Hope last week.

So, 4 out of 7....not too shabby! I suppose the other three will find their way onto my 3rd quarter list. Now I need to go digging around and see what else I can put on there!

she can quilt


  1. Very nicely done! Any luck getting the marker out of the quilt?

    The weather here has been weird too. 86 and not humid today. It doesn't feel like July! Definitely not complaining--I know lots of people are roasting.

  2. Not too shabby indeed! All of the projects look so great Toni.

  3. Lovely finished Toni - really love the Chicopee quilt!

  4. Love that you call your kids weirdos (too!). Beautiful finshes xxx

  5. I lurve your herringbone quilt! Why won't your kids use flat sheets? ... is it just their way of getting you to make them flat-sheet-backed quilts? :D

  6. Not shabby at all! Very very nice and I love your herringbone too! Glad I could help with it just a teeny tiny bit!

  7. Okay, so you outdid yourself! I listed lots thinking it would motivate me. I finished zip. I still have a few days.....

  8. Gorgeous finishes! I'm with your bairns on the 'no flat sheet' thing!!

  9. I'd be seriously pleased with myself if I'd all that. Still loving the herringbone quilt, so very very nice indeed.

  10. my kids don't use flat sheets either... And honestly, I don't know if my sister does yet and she's 30!!
