
Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Latest Bee Blocks

I have never been one of those people who can wait until the last minute to make their bee blocks. Most of the time, I kind of look at them as a fun break from whatever other projects I might be working on. And since the majority of my other sewing doesn't have deadlines, it isn't a big deal for me to put it aside and make a few blocks. My real problem with bee blocks is getting them to the post office!
That Stash Bee, April

April was Valerie's month in That Stash Bee. She is making a quilt for her best friend who recently lost her young son, and asked us to make either star blocks or word blocks in rainbow colors. I love every minute of making this block and am so glad that Valerie included our group in the making of this quilt.
Depression blocks 

May is Cathy's month in that same bee, and she chose these Depression blocks. Cathy asked us to use black and white TV for our inspiration, and it was fun to get to use some of my black prints that I haven't used yet. 

At last...Basket Weave Star for Mary #alwaysbeelearning 

For April in our Always Bee Learning group, Mary sent us an eclectic mix of scraps and asked us to make these Basketweave Braid Star Blocks. I really like these blocks and have been wanting to make one, but for some reason, the day I chose to sew this must not have been my day to sew. I seriously must have used my seam ripper at least 15 times. There was even one point where I noticed that my fabric had gotten folded over and caught in the seam and as I was starting to take it apart I realized that the fabric was upside down, too. Needless to say, I was a little relieved when this one was finished!

Polaroid block for @aquilterstable #alwaysbeelearning

Debbie was the May Queen in Always Bee Learning, and being the genius that she is, had us assemble these 18" Polaroid Blocks using the little photo blocks she received in her swap. She is going to have a very fun quilt when she gets these blocks together!

Card Tricks for Buttons and Butterflies 

And finally, Heidi is the quilter for May in our Imagine Circle of DGS. She chose to have us make Card Trick blocks using her own tutorial and these fun, bright colors. 

I am just waiting on a couple of more blocks to come in for our April DGS quilt, then I can get that started! What are you working on?


  1. ALL so great Toni. Such variety.

    I'm finally getting back into the sewing swing of things, just started a noodlehead super tote today and I'm super excited about it!

  2. Love all these blocks! I vacillate between doing my bee blocks early and leaving them to the last minute, it often just depends what other deadlines may come first o.O

  3. Wow, Toni! You sure have been busy with bee blocks, and they are all so different and look great. I could kick myself for not doing the polaroid swap! The background fabrics are perfect!

  4. How sad : ( wonderful that you are making a quilt for her. All your blocks are lovely. Those Polaroid blocks are still a favourite!

  5. Very nice! The Polaroids are really cute. I have done NOTHING productive! I finished w my classes this week, so I'm hoping to get back to sewing!

  6. These are great, tho of course I'm partial to the one you made for me! ;-)

  7. That's a lot of Bee blocks - but they look great though xxx

  8. Great blocks! I still am amazed at the word you made for my friends quilt. I had wondered about asking the bee for help with this project because it is a sensitive situation, but I'm so thankful I did. I know it will mean a lot to her and her family, and I can't wait to give it to them and tell her about how a group of people, most of whom I'm guessing haven't met in person, came together to make something meaningful. I'm so touched to be a part of this group!

  9. Your blocks are all gorgeous! I love how you made the faith one all rainbowy. :)
