
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Constellations Baby Quilt

I remember back in the day before I was on Instagram, I would read posts from the cool bloggers that said how they had completely forgotten to blog about a finished project because they'd already posted a picture on IG. Then I would roll my eyes and think, "Silly blogger!" because really, how do you forget to blog about something like that? 

I think we all know where this is headed. This little quilt came out of the dryer a few weeks ago, but only a couple of days ago did I realize that I hadn't blogged about it. I guess you could say that is one bad thing about Instagram, but really, that is also why I love it so much. Sometimes I just don't have time or the right words to write up a whole blog post, but I like the connection to my friends that flashing up a quick picture on IG gives me. Alright, enough about that, here's the quilt:

Constellations on deck 
I tried to get some pictures earlier in the week, but the sun was too bright anytime that I had the chance. Then yesterday morning, with rain on the horizon, I ran outside to get a couple of quick shots before I completely forgot. 

Constellations corner 
 When I ordered this fat-eighth bundle of Constellations from Westwood Acres, I really didn't have a plan for it. I love star quilts, but honestly don't enjoy making them all that much and you know I'm a big fan of simple patchwork, so this was an easy way to get both. Mostly 6" squares with three wonky Kona Ash stars. In hindsight, I wish I had chosen another color for the stars so that they stood out a little more. I'm really not sure where I first got the idea for this type of design and Pinterest is having issues right now so I can't look back and find anything. Vanessa Christianson of V and Co. has a tutorial for her Reverse Hopscotch quilt that is a similar design. My friend Katie recently finished her own super-cute version of it using Les Amis.

Constellations, back
For the backing, I just pieced together some of my scraps along with Kona Azure, more Ash, and an unknown yellow-green solid. The binding is Kona Jade Green. After seeing the spiral quilting that Hadley and Fiona had done, I decided to give it a shot and loved it! I am sure this is not the only time you will see me using this. After a trip through the washer and dryer, the finished quilt measures around 41"x47".

I'm really not sure where this little guy is headed, so for now he is folded up and stashed in my cabinet. Do you always have a destination for your quilts? I usually try to, but not this time. Surely someone I know will be having a baby soon, though!


  1. I love it Toni - the colours, the design, the gorgeous quilting - it will be a perfect baby quilt. I'm sure the storks will let you know who it's going to soon ;)

  2. It is a very lovely quilt! I like the look of the stars! They are subtle, like the ones in the sky. :)

  3. I'm not on IG so glad you blogged it! It is so gorgeous and I like that the stars blend a bit, it works really well!

  4. It's lovely Toni, especially love the quilting

  5. Ha, I'm quite the reverse, I totally forget to IG things lol Looks great :o)

  6. I often do not have a plan for the quilts I make. I have learned that it is often God's prodding me to make a quilt for someone He has in mind. I love when it works out like that....i make the quilt just because and then meet the perfect recipient just as it is being finished.

  7. It's beautiful!
    I am a flitter, a lot of things are started on instagram, but I go straight to blog-mode for the finish!

    The spiralling looks great xxx

  8. I love the quilt. The fabrics and the quilting are perfect. And you make me want a smart phone more than I already do. My only interest in having one is for Instagram. Right now I just check it on our archaic computer but I'd love to have a phone so I can post pictures and connect with other crafty people too.

  9. Beautiful quilt - love the colours and your spiral quilting! I usually forget to take photos for IG when I am working on something so usually only end up with the finished pics:)

  10. Very sweet. The spiral quilting is perfect for this.

  11. Looks great! And I know what you mean about IG..when I think about blogging, I think, oh, we've already talked about this! But I always like to read more about people's process with their quilts, so there is definitely that advantage to the blog. Thanks for sharing :)

  12. It's just wonderful! I love making baby quilts. The quilting is superb!

  13. Love this one Toni! I think the stars just add a little extra dimension to a A basic patchwork quilt. The back is really cool, and the spiral quilting is awesome! I definitely see more of these quilts in my future!

  14. Very nice! And no, I don't have a plan for everything I make!

  15. I'm not on Instagram either, so glad you blogged it. Finding words is not my problem! It would be finding time to fiddle with photos, insert them and blog in general. Love the idea of your quilt. Someone will claim it soon enough!

  16. Your spiral quilting looks great! It's so even! I'm sure I wouldn't have the patience to do that... :}

  17. This is one of my favorites!!! I usually have a plan, but have occasionally just made things for the sake of making. My problem lately is finishing what I've started though, so I've got a plan for everything right now. ;)
