
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Finsh-Along: Q2 Plans

Time to make the list of projects that I hope to complete before...July? Gosh, that seems like so far away. It has only been somewhat Spring-like here for a couple of days so mid-Summer seems a ways off. But I'm sure it will fly by! So what made the list?

she can quilt

1. Max's quilt:: Rolling this one over from last quarter. Need to press the front and backing then I can get on with it.
2. Chicopee Herringbone:: These were the bee blocks from my awesome Always Bee Learning ladies. This is a quilt for me and I love it. I have four rows complete and another 5 blocks halfway done, then I need to decide if I want to go bigger. 
So far. 

3. Constellations Baby Quilt:: I haven't shown this one on the blog yet, but according to Instagram I finished the top 6 days ago. Yesterday evening I got the quilting done so hopefully this will be an easy one to check off the list. 
Constellations quilt top...check. 

4. dGS April quilt:: I chose these paper-pieced square-in-square blocks using Tamiko's template. I asked the ladies in my Imagine Circle to make their blocks using navy, coral, aqua, yellow, and white/grey prints. I am really excited to see what they send back!
dGS April 2013

5. Diamond Ripples quilt:: These blocks are from the Modern Blocks Bee that I was in last year. I love these blocks but they keep getting pushed aside because I still need to make a few more since not all the blocks found their way back to me. I'm also out of Kona Snow and apparently can't be bothered to order more. I really don't have a plan  for these, but would love to cross it off the list, especially after seeing Hadley's amazing version.
Know what else I love getting in the mail? Bee blocks. 

6. Hometown Road to Tennessee:: I recently unearthed this long-time WIP and actually have a bit of enthusiasm for finishing it, but that darn Kona Snow has me stalled. I have enough blocks completed to make a baby quilt, but I have enough of the prints to make it lap sized, so that's what I'm shooting for. We'll see what happens. 

7.  Stacked Squares Baby Quilt:: Another rollover from Q1. Still not feeling much love for this one, but I have a goal for it. Hopefully I will be able to finish it up in a way that I don't completely hate.
So it looks like I've made another list of 7 this quarter. I will be absolutely thrilled if I can finish with another 5 out of 7 like last quarter, though I'm not expecting that much productivity this time!


  1. oh my. That is quite a list, Toni! Wishing you luck!!

  2. I'm loving the Chicopee Herringbone - can't wait to see it finished!

  3. You have fabulous projects to be working on, good luck!

  4. That's a ton of projects- all so pretty! Did you really only get 4 blocks back from the MBB??!! What happened??

  5. Wow, SO much going on there Toni! I really love the chicopee herringbones, as well as the paper pieced square/square blocks. Very very nice.

  6. Gorgeous projects as ever Toni! I made one of those blocks (Diamond Ripples) and couldn't face any more so I really admire you having got that far...a baby quilt for the little one??

  7. Your projects are beautiful! Good luck with your list! I hope you don't mind, but I've pinned your Chicopee Herringbone quilt. I have a big stack of Chicopee that I have been saving for the perfect project and this might be it! It's beautiful!

  8. That's a big list! Love the herringbone especially. Do you keep or gift all your quilts? Ever thought of selling them?

  9. Hoo boy, that's an ambitious list! Seven quilts! Your square-in-square one is really pretty. :) Good luck!

  10. Awesome projects! Love that Constellations quilt! And the colour palette for the square in square blocks is perfect!
    I also have a Road to Tennessee quilt on my FAL list, and one using Constellations, as well as one for my Max... weird.

  11. This is a great list. I particularly love those square in square blocks, the colors are just perfect.

  12. great projects Toni! I love your herringbone quilt!

  13. you're going to be one busy momma! Great projects, can't wait to see them come together!

  14. Go go Toni! You can do it, Ripples included xxx

  15. :) You can do it! I am not even going to think about making a list! I don't think I have touched anything since Thanksgiving! I really like the diamond ripples and constelation, very cool! :)

  16. Wonderful! That herringbone is just delicious!

  17. Thank you for inspiring me to make a list. I am sure that I will have more than 7 but really I have a hard justifying starting a new project when I have so many UFO's. Time to buckle down and do it! I love all of your projects and can't wait to see you finish them. Good Luck!

  18. Good luck with it all! Recruit another bee for #5 :oD

  19. Good luck! If you finish all that up you will be my hero. ;)

  20. Sister--that is quite the list!!! Bummer on not getting enough of the diamond ripples back. You know I feel you there. I seriously just got an envelope back over the weekend that said Sorry I forgot about this and she sent the fabrics back! From November!!!

    At least you can check constellations off quickly and I am totally in love with that one by the way! And Max's is close so that's good too. I LOVE your dGs blocks. I'm up next month and surprise, surprise--I'm going with squares too! Different squares but you know our twin minds...

  21. I love all your projects - good luck!

    P.S. Seems like your first task is to order some more Kona Snow ;o)

  22. Good luck Toni! I made the Hometown Road to Tennessee quilt last year and got it quilted and bound in October. I added a 1.5" inner border and a 4" outer border of the spots to make it a good lap size. I used bamboo wadding and it's so nice and thin and soft but warm so I love it on my chair. Hadley's quilt was gorgeous I agree, but I love your colours more! The diamond ripple block is so effective.
