
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FAL 2013 :: Q1

I'm surfacing from the depths of our germ-stricken home to write up a quick post for the Finish Along. Looking back on my list I was pleasantly surprised to see that I really did finish a few things. I have been very bad about starting new projects lately and shoving old ones to the back when they become a bore.

The successes:

1. October dGS quilt,  now known as "Gathered Geese"

Gathered Geese 

Baby Trip 

Hourglass Baby 

Love mini 

Patchwork Baby

I had two other projects on my list that did not get finished. I got the top for Max's quilt all sewn together and even got the backing cut but haven't gotten around to basting yet. It is a little more of a challenge now that Jill is crawling everywhere and I have no desire to stay up late basting a quilt. The other project still hasn't seen the light of day and likely won't for a while. 

Still, I like to think that 5 out of 7 isn't too shabby. Now to figure out what to put on next quarter's list...

she can quilt


  1. Oh those are all so lovely - well done!
    Hope the germs bugger off soon, and take mine with them xxx

  2. Beautiful quilts Toni - really love the "Gathered geese" one!

  3. That's a pretty good list, especially given the squad of weans, especially crawling ones!

  4. You were really productive! Look at all of those gorgeous quilts you finished! I hope everyone at home starts to feel better soon. :)

  5. They are all beautiful, I just love the hourglass blocks in the twin girl quilt.

  6. Great list! Love the geese quilt at the top.

  7. Beautiful quilts. I extra love your gathered geese quilt.

  8. I'm thinking 5 out of 7 is pretty good! I only did 1 out of 4 ; )

  9. Gathered Geese is my favorite of what you've done this month.

  10. There's not one quilt I don't completely love Toni - beautiful!!

  11. So many nice finishes Toni! Hope your family is on the mend soon!

  12. Goodness, you finished a ton of quilts this quarter! Fantastic! :)

    I hope you and your family feel better soon!

  13. Wow, 5 finishes, that amazing. And they are all such fantastic finishes

  14. Very nice progress, especially with 4 little ones underfoot! They are all lovely!

  15. Excellent productivity Toni! I love the flying geese quilt. I understand the house of germs. We rarely get sick but this week Amelia and I have had throat infections and double ear infections at the same time, and I think the boys are coming down with it coz they are grumpy!

  16. Great finishes - and two ready for next quarter's list!

  17. sickies are no fun and I think maybe I sent them on to you because everyone here is finally better. SORRY!! I still do love that flying geese quilt! Looks like you were pretty busy. My finish list would be shameful...

  18. Chica, where in the hell DO YOU FIND THE TIME!!! Amazing!!! Can you send me some of whatever you are taking to be that motivated over here? I love it... Everytime I stop over here it makes me want to drink some coffee and put my (sewing machine) pedal to the metal!

  19. 5 out of 7 is awesome, great work!
    Love those "twins" quilts, they are just gorgeous.

  20. These are such beautiful quilts, you did so well with the finishes.
