
Friday, November 16, 2012


I'm back! 

I'm sure only a tiny handful of you even noticed my absence, but I've missed so much. Seriously, my Google Reader surpassed the 1,000+ mark at least two weeks ago. You know what that means, right? Mark all as read and start over! I hate doing that, but they really will never get read. 

Hopefully I can catch up a bit here and there. I've stayed in the loop just a bit via Instagram and Flickr, but nothing beats hearing your blog voices, and for some reason I just don't like reading blogs on my phone. Thankfully, we finally have the Internet restored at our house and my laptop has come out of hiding. 

This box came five days ago and last night Roger finally had time to get it going. I'm sure I could have figured it out myself, but I had absolutely no desire to. I'm also sure that college-age Toni would be appalled, but 32-year old Toni doesn't care. 

Moving into our new house has been fabulous! Sure, there are still plenty of random boxes to unpack but for the most part we are settling into this place and it feels great. 
We inherited a cat when we moved in and the kids have the best time watching it through the window and arguing over who gets to feed it. Apparently they thought the cat would enjoy watching them eat breakfast. And don't you love the country blue carpet in my kitchen? What you can't see in the picture is the patriotic wallpaper. Seriously, I'll have to give you a tour of the breath-taking wall paper in this place. I love this house, but there is definitely some updating to be done. Eventually. For now I just want to relax! 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and I can't wait to catch up! Talk to you again soon! 


  1. Oh yes, we definitely need the 'before' photos. Glad you are all moved in and well

  2. Welcome back! I'm so pleased to hear the move went well and you're settling in - more photos, please. Especially of the patriotic wallpaper!

  3. Love that, "your own blog voice". It is so true.

    Don't like reading blogs on my phone either...too hard to comment.

    Glad you are safe and sound in your new home.

  4. Toni,

    Glad the move went well. I totally understand the google reader thing. I am glad I am not the only one who has hundreds..thousands unread blogs. Continue to enjoy your blog and IG.

    Have a good weekend.


  5. Yes, we missed you! And I laughed out loud at the college age/32 yr old self talk -that is so me! Sometimes I think, what happened to that girl?! But I'm so happy now :) -who knew convention could be so satisfying?!

  6. I guess since we've been in touch on Instagram, I haven't missed you on the blog as much - plus I'm behind too!! Glad you are so happy in your new home!

  7. Ooh, we had similar fun decor when me moved into our house! I hope things continue to go smoothly.

  8. Glad to hear you are starting to get settled again. :) I noticed you were occupied elsewhere, but knew it was for important reasons. ;)

  9. Woot for returning internet! And, err, yeah, with you on needing to do some decorating. When I have the energy... ;o)

  10. Hi Toni! So great to see you've settled in! Your boys look so sweet.

  11. I noticed you were gone! I've been thinking about you the last few days but couldn't find the time to email you until I saw yesterday you'd posted...but I was on my phone... It's our twin-ness striking again because I don't like blogs on my phone either. :) Glad you're settling in.

  12. Glad to hear you are settling in -- it's been a big year for you!
