
Sunday, November 18, 2012

How was your weekend, friends?

Mine was really pretty great. Nothing too exciting happened, but Roger was off work and didn't have much farm work to do, so we actually got to spend quite a bit of time together as a family. A few little projects around the house finally got done and I managed to squeeze in a good bit of sewing time, too. 

I finally started working on a quilt for Max's bed. The poor kid has been in a real bed for at least 6 months but he just gets covered with whatever random blanket we grab from their stack. Not any special pattern, just simple patchwork in green and yellow like his brothers', but his will have a few spots of orange thrown in for a little variety. 

The grand finale to our laid-back family weekend was our first bonfire at our new house. We inherited this little fire pit when we moved and Wyatt has been asking to have one since we moved in, so tonight was the night. The weather was perfect and everyone had a fabulous time, even this girl.  

I do have a small request...if you think you have an extra hour or so in the next few weeks, consider making a block for Quilting for Kids. This is a Flickr group that makes blocks for quilts that will be made and given to children in the foster care system. The current request is for a purple/gold star block using the Reverse Rainbow Starburst Block tutorial from Diary of a Flutter Kat. It is a quick block to sew together and a fun way to use up some scraps. 
Purple/gold star block for Quilts for Kids

So tell me, what fun things did you do this weekend?


  1. Toni,

    You had an excellent weekend. The kids are getting so big. We decided to go to the Norman Rockwell museme to see his art and see a new exhibit Alex Ross-comic book artist. It was a lot of fun and then walked around Stockbridge,Ma. The weather was great. Today was shoe shopping for the oldest. Then did some stitching. Trying to get Christmas gifts done. Have a good Sunday night.


  2. This weekend I sold lots of stuff at a craft show inPrince Edward Island (where I grew up) and saw some people I haven't seen in years! Lots of fun. And regarding your other post, of course I noticed you were MIA, but who has time to blog when they are moving? Great to see you settled in, and she is just adorable!

  3. Look at that sweet girl! She's grown so much. :)

  4. YAY for starting on your little man's quilt. What a fun weekend. And, yep, you inspired me to sign up for the latest Quilting for Kids block. Love your version. :)

  5. Love the purple/yellow block! I didn't do nearly enough sewing this weekend, but that's okay! We enjoyed a visit to the state park, the children's museum, and lots of football. Huh, no wonder I'm tired!

  6. The bonfire looks like fun and the block is lovely!

    I had a very social weekend - breakfast with friends, a knitters guild meeting, dinner with friends, church and a family visit! Not much time for knitting and none at all for sewing!

  7. We also had a great weekend-- lots of family and chocolate milk! Love the fabrics you pulled for your son's quilt.

  8. What a great weekend -good for you! Love your boys in their overalls! ;-)

  9. Your little guys in their overalls look very cute matching their dad. :) Jill also looks positively sweet! I also got to spend some time with my husband this weekend. He came along with me (voluntarily too!) to buy yarn for a fusion crochet blanket I'm starting soon. A trip to the french pastry shop and the local craft beer emporium rounded out a nice weekend. :)

  10. Cute!!! I love the quilt, makes me think of john deere - I bought 4 yards of flannel john deere christmas (has hollies on it) last year after christmas and its destined to be a quilt backing for my sister haha, seeing the colors made me think of it :)

  11. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! I spent the weekend celebrating my MIL's 70th birthday :)

  12. Yay for family weekends, glad you had fun :o)

  13. I am trying not to go diabetic from all the birthday cake I have eaten this weekend!!

    Looks like you certainly had a lovely time x
